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Last comments - Wingfoiling
IMG_5363_800x533.JPG 123 views1 commentsjuandesooka03/12/25 at 16:37winddoctor: My first wingfoil session! Clearly crushing it :l...
IMG_5940_800x533.JPG JDS155 views1 commentsjuandesooka04/12/21 at 13:03more force 4: great shot of the use of weight transfer to keep f...
IMG_5889_800x533.JPG windoc159 views2 commentsjuandesooka04/12/21 at 12:44Tsawwassen: That new wing looks nice! Those waves look fun too...
IMG_5889_800x533.JPG windoc159 views2 commentsjuandesooka04/11/21 at 08:08winddoctor: Sun's out, tip's out Cool
IMG_5649_28229.JPG 97 views1 commentsjuandesooka04/09/21 at 09:11Tsawwassen: Nice shot!
IMG_5371_800x533.JPG 107 views3 commentsjuandesooka03/23/21 at 21:12juandesooka: Cool
IMG_5371_800x533.JPG 107 views3 commentsjuandesooka03/23/21 at 14:03UnusuallyLargeRobin: ooh ooh i recognize that rock!! Can i name the pl...
IMG_5371_800x533.JPG 107 views3 commentsjuandesooka03/23/21 at 13:10winddoctor: Afterglow
IMG_20201030_092254_28229.jpg Gordon's XL208 viewsThanks seazen for pic5 commentsjuandesooka01/11/21 at 19:39Lateriser: Very Happy super awesome picture, I'm envious . Loo...
IMG_3061_28229.JPG IV NYD 2021129 views2 commentsjuandesooka01/11/21 at 19:24Lateriser: awesome picture
IMG_3061_28229.JPG IV NYD 2021129 views2 commentsjuandesooka01/11/21 at 10:37juandesooka: photo credit Grania B Very Happy
IMG_20201030_092254_28229.jpg Gordon's XL208 viewsThanks seazen for pic5 commentsjuandesooka12/14/20 at 10:29juandesooka: photo credit Sea Zen
IMG_20201030_092254_28229.jpg Gordon's XL208 viewsThanks seazen for pic5 commentsjuandesooka11/01/20 at 09:57winddoctor: Ballsy jibing inside there too!
IMG_20201030_092254_28229.jpg Gordon's XL208 viewsThanks seazen for pic5 commentsjuandesooka10/31/20 at 18:34juandesooka: shore break was intense ... I think it might be th...
IMG_20201030_092254_28229.jpg Gordon's XL208 viewsThanks seazen for pic5 commentsjuandesooka10/30/20 at 19:58winddoctor: I can hear my wing tearing just looking at that sh...
IMG_0812_800x533.JPG 167 views1 commentsjuandesooka09/14/20 at 07:26juandesooka: photo credit Grania B Very Happy
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