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Last comments - RBFC
IMG_6984_28229_732x600.JPG Landed it147 views5 commentsjuandesooka06/01/21 at 01:23Lateriser: best ever relay transition to he next racer with t...
IMG_6984_28229_732x600.JPG Landed it147 views5 commentsjuandesooka05/31/21 at 06:35AJSpencer: Mad skillz
IMG_6984_28229_732x600.JPG Landed it147 views5 commentsjuandesooka05/24/21 at 17:28bwd: It must take a lot of core strength to hold that p...
IMG_6984_28229_732x600.JPG Landed it147 views5 commentsjuandesooka05/24/21 at 10:58juandesooka: with straps, you woulda nailed it.
IMG_6984_28229_732x600.JPG Landed it147 views5 commentsjuandesooka05/24/21 at 09:34winddoctor: Reminds me of my Windsurfer One Design days, hikin...
IMG_5166_28229_800x555.JPG 127 views1 commentsjuandesooka04/02/21 at 08:29tweezer: steezer
IMG_5417_28229_654x600.JPG March 28 big sunday126 views3 commentsjuandesooka04/02/21 at 08:22tweezer: cool shot just before the face plant! Rolling Eyes
IMG_5417_28229_654x600.JPG March 28 big sunday126 views3 commentsjuandesooka03/29/21 at 20:49shaggy: Tweezers new move. Planing on the foil!
IMG_5417_28229_654x600.JPG March 28 big sunday126 views3 commentsjuandesooka03/29/21 at 10:40Tsawwassen: Shocked
IMG_5054_800x533.JPG 69 views1 commentsjuandesooka03/19/21 at 04:51gnarf: Where’s your mask?
IMG_4342_800x533.JPG 161 views1 commentsjuandesooka02/26/21 at 08:24UnusuallyLargeRobin: Thanks for the pic JdF!
IMG_0182_28229_800x469.JPG 481 views3 commentsjuandesooka08/24/20 at 08:39juandesooka: photo credit Grania B Very Happy
IMG_0159_28229.JPG 472 views4 commentsjuandesooka06/16/20 at 09:23UnusuallyLargeRobin: The RBFC (rossbayfoilclub) was in full force, actu...
IMG_0182_28229_800x469.JPG 481 views3 commentsjuandesooka06/15/20 at 07:53bwd: That's a textbook 360 from bwd, one handed by...
IMG_0182_28229_800x469.JPG 481 views3 commentsjuandesooka06/14/20 at 17:15C36: Confused What's the guy on the left doing? Idea ...
IMG_0159_28229.JPG 472 views4 commentsjuandesooka06/14/20 at 17:11C36: Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
IMG_0159_28229.JPG 472 views4 commentsjuandesooka06/13/20 at 21:40more force 4: Picture of the week Sandy!
IMG_0159_28229.JPG 472 views4 commentsjuandesooka06/13/20 at 20:53UnusuallyLargeRobin: Love it! Cool
18 files on 1 page(s)