131 views3 commentsTsawwassen04/09/16 at 22:59HiyoSilver: Nice bruise, bro! I should show you mine
CB(2) Mar 13, 2016104 views1 commentsanmac03/17/16 at 15:58Sandy Beach: Happy St. Patty's Day. You have the luck of t...
CB Mar 8, 2016143 viewsThanks to Pete Caljouw for more great photos1 commentsanmac03/17/16 at 12:32~~~~~4j~~: Hey that's me! Thanks for posting! Looks like...
Udder's revolutionary rig-carrying technique318 viewsUphaul required5 commentsHiyoSilver03/04/16 at 11:54Windsurfish: I want to watch this in action at the Jetty this s...
Udder's revolutionary rig-carrying technique318 viewsUphaul required5 commentsHiyoSilver03/03/16 at 12:46redbaron: Looks like a little to no wind technique...might b...
Udder's revolutionary rig-carrying technique318 viewsUphaul required5 commentsHiyoSilver03/03/16 at 10:21KUS: A keen understanding of getting off the water as w...
Udder's revolutionary rig-carrying technique318 viewsUphaul required5 commentsHiyoSilver03/02/16 at 13:36uddereef: please note:if boom clew is dragging just push nos...
There was a time when this was cool ...321 viewsLake Winnipeg summer 19856 commentsSnarfer03/02/16 at 12:30winddude: it's still cool, google, Flowstyle Caesar Fin...
Udder's revolutionary rig-carrying technique318 viewsUphaul required5 commentsHiyoSilver03/02/16 at 07:43eastside: For treks back from the Udder regions
LB... 04-02-2011184 viewsMy only day shooting there..... and OH what a day it was. Hope to have another one day. I reprocessed this one... and a bunch of others. :)3 commentssnapper30001/17/16 at 22:04Atomic-Chomik: Magic
LB... 04-02-2011184 viewsMy only day shooting there..... and OH what a day it was. Hope to have another one day. I reprocessed this one... and a bunch of others. :)3 commentssnapper30001/16/16 at 18:48winddoctor: Nice one!
LB... 04-02-2011184 viewsMy only day shooting there..... and OH what a day it was. Hope to have another one day. I reprocessed this one... and a bunch of others. :)3 commentssnapper30001/16/16 at 17:38DavidM: Wow....awesome shot!!!
Gordon's windsurf launch 182 viewsDec 23, 2015 Aftermath of waves washing through to the road1 commentsgnarf01/08/16 at 19:41voodmon: Surprised the fence is still there!
172 views2 commentsTsawwassen12/11/15 at 22:06Tsawwassen: It's actually a triple backie a...
172 views2 commentsTsawwassen12/11/15 at 20:59winddoctor: Is this the 2nd or 3rd rotation on your triple for...
Kus spinning right round, baby, right round!208 viewsTruly epic day!3 commentswinddoctor12/11/15 at 14:39JL: & all from a Guy who can't walk & brings...
Kus spinning right round, baby, right round!208 viewsTruly epic day!3 commentswinddoctor12/07/15 at 17:13GWIND: Truly, poultry in motion.