There was a time when this was cool ...321 viewsLake Winnipeg summer 19856 commentsSnarfer11/27/15 at 06:48Snarfer: Ya - Socks, Flyer and shorts they were co...
There was a time when this was cool ...321 viewsLake Winnipeg summer 19856 commentsSnarfer11/24/15 at 18:38voodmon: I remember doing that too on one of those, my firs...
There was a time when this was cool ...321 viewsLake Winnipeg summer 19856 commentsSnarfer11/24/15 at 13:06more force 4: tail first rail ride? It would still look cool! I...
There was a time when this was cool ...321 viewsLake Winnipeg summer 19856 commentsSnarfer11/24/15 at 12:08winddoctor: Rail ride and business socks? Still cool!
There was a time when this was cool ...321 viewsLake Winnipeg summer 19856 commentsSnarfer11/24/15 at 07:52KUS: The sexy shorts Only NaMoo can sport that kind...
Kus spinning right round, baby, right round!208 viewsTruly epic day!3 commentswinddoctor11/13/15 at 09:27downwind dave: ooh thats a keeper
233 views4 commentsanmac10/22/15 at 10:51Sandy Beach: another one of Kus smiling for the camera. Great p...
233 views4 commentsanmac10/21/15 at 08:59KUS: thx for posting
Operation G-K281 views1 commentsHiyoSilver10/13/15 at 14:43Sandy Beach: Redbaron, your pit stop at CB was worth the entert...
131 views2 commentsTsawwassen10/05/15 at 10:57Tsawwassen: Beautiful Place Can't believe I hadn'...
131 views2 commentsTsawwassen10/04/15 at 09:30KUS: Something about that view of a smoothie ahead of y...
CB duo - Sep 18, 2015173 viewsAnother great shot - thanks for sharing, Pete!3 commentsanmac09/22/15 at 18:49eastside: coward
CB duo - Sep 18, 2015173 viewsAnother great shot - thanks for sharing, Pete!3 commentsanmac09/22/15 at 14:01winddoctor: Slide that back hand down and PULL!
CB duo - Sep 18, 2015173 viewsAnother great shot - thanks for sharing, Pete!3 commentsanmac09/21/15 at 20:06DavidM: you got to teach me to jump like that ...
CB - Sep 18, 2015138 viewsGreat photo from Pete Caljouw 1 commentsanmac09/21/15 at 18:43GWIND: Wow that foiling is special.
WDoc looping the un-loopable SUP200 views2 commentsKUS07/08/15 at 08:10FrancescoSeacily: 🔟🙈
Kus backie at the Cape233 views4 commentswinddoctor07/06/15 at 11:17~~~~~4j~~: Awesome photo. "What? Look where?"
Kus backie at the Cape233 views4 commentswinddoctor07/05/15 at 04:01C36:
Kus backie at the Cape233 views4 commentswinddoctor07/04/15 at 18:53GWIND: Nice.
Kus backie at the Cape233 views4 commentswinddoctor07/04/15 at 14:24eastside: Death from above Red Baron
BWD SUP146 views1 commentsTsawwassen07/01/15 at 12:36GWIND: Very nice
269 views7 commentsDavidM06/29/15 at 08:33winddoctor: Ya, ist goot! Vere ist de dance parrty, ya?