BWD back when it used to be windy and wavey289 views6 commentswinddoctor02/14/15 at 19:15ozy: Ahhhhhhh ya !
BWD back when it used to be windy and wavey289 views6 commentswinddoctor02/12/15 at 08:38bwd: Great photo...thanks Chris
BWD back when it used to be windy and wavey289 views6 commentswinddoctor02/11/15 at 12:33winddoctor: Thanks guys! Since I don't seem to be sailing...
BWD back when it used to be windy and wavey289 views6 commentswinddoctor02/11/15 at 09:33~~~~~4j~~: That is a great shot! I love the backlit wave and ...
BWD back when it used to be windy and wavey289 views6 commentswinddoctor02/11/15 at 09:32Tsawwassen: NICE!!!!!!
BWD back when it used to be windy and wavey289 views6 commentswinddoctor02/10/15 at 23:42downwind dave: great shot you were saving it?!
CB Saturday277 views3 commentsrvanderbyl12/04/14 at 15:16tbrown: file that under "jumps"
Winddoc @ Furry Creek294 viewsToesideT photo2 commentswinddoctor11/25/14 at 17:21KUS: This was impressive for reasons other than the jum...
230 views2 commentswinddoctor11/23/14 at 19:33C36: Nice mood shot!