Columbia235 viewsWaiting for wind fun times 5 commentsozy03/11/14 at 11:41more force 4: wow, the inside of Dave's BWD van is even mor...
Columbia235 viewsWaiting for wind fun times 5 commentsozy03/09/14 at 13:03GWIND: Uh NO. That was air tea, but if U look close U wil...
Columbia235 viewsWaiting for wind fun times 5 commentsozy03/09/14 at 12:27eastside: They do have red bull in those cups.
Web cam house241 viewsWho knew….all those cold windy days I spent framing this place 20 years ago or so that a windsurfing webcam would be mounted here one day?2 commentsrvanderbyl03/08/14 at 18:54rvanderbyl: Good eye Chris Yes the architect did screw ...
Web cam house241 viewsWho knew….all those cold windy days I spent framing this place 20 years ago or so that a windsurfing webcam would be mounted here one day?2 commentsrvanderbyl03/08/14 at 17:59Windsurfish: What's up with that pony roof on the Left :ro...
Columbia235 viewsWaiting for wind fun times 5 commentsozy03/08/14 at 13:48JL: Shouldn't that book & those cups be in the BW...
a little heavy, those Ezzy's283 views :)1 commentsKUS02/18/14 at 22:01Windsurfish: I see...
CB Ramping up237 viewsUdder & Duckbill :)1 commentsKUS02/17/14 at 16:52DavidM: Udder and Duckbill I was washed up down wind...
First Nw of 2014 at SP144 views1 commentsrvanderbyl02/10/14 at 21:29KUS: what a fun day that was
Eastside using up what's left with his new toy....SE 28...go figure195 views1 commentsKUS01/04/14 at 11:56eastside: Thanks to Kus for helping me take it out of it...
173 views3 commentsKUS01/04/14 at 11:14eastside: Abominable Waterman, more like it
173 views3 commentsKUS01/03/14 at 22:32KUS: yep, good one. yes, it was getting actually ...
147 views1 comments~~~~~4j~~01/03/14 at 22:31KUS: it still works thx 4J
173 views3 commentsKUS01/02/14 at 16:46downwind dave: looks like a classic bigfoot photo!
Nat Nite266 viewsBeauty Fogbank Nite w/ DM & Mooman2 commentsKUS11/26/13 at 20:05nanmoo: Twas a fun night and weekend.
Qudder245 viewsSPeeing just prior udderly worked2 commentsKUS11/23/13 at 10:32eastside: I just saw the swim. On another day it could have...
Nat Nite266 viewsBeauty Fogbank Nite w/ DM & Mooman2 commentsKUS11/22/13 at 16:15GWIND: Damn it all to hell Kus, just 6 months to go
BWD back-up support217 viewsBA,SB,JF brainstorming ways to fundraise for BWD1 commentsSandy Beach11/22/13 at 16:10GWIND: Hot or what ? Oh yea, and super smart too!
Qudder245 viewsSPeeing just prior udderly worked2 commentsKUS11/22/13 at 16:07GWIND: Looks shaky
Nits 'N Nats358 viewsAmen brother. Anyone know Rob Stickney? Whoever he is, he ain't afraid to tell it like it is.
Found an old cache of windsurfing mags and this is a letter from the November '89 issue of Windsurf.6 commentsGdawg11/18/13 at 08:55KayakDoc: I know Rob quite well. He has mellowed a lot in th...
Nits 'N Nats358 viewsAmen brother. Anyone know Rob Stickney? Whoever he is, he ain't afraid to tell it like it is.
Found an old cache of windsurfing mags and this is a letter from the November '89 issue of Windsurf.6 commentsGdawg11/13/13 at 09:00TheLaw: I haven't seen your mug in the line up before...
Nits 'N Nats358 viewsAmen brother. Anyone know Rob Stickney? Whoever he is, he ain't afraid to tell it like it is.
Found an old cache of windsurfing mags and this is a letter from the November '89 issue of Windsurf.6 commentsGdawg11/08/13 at 15:29nanmoo: What happened to PimpHand? The forum is peppered w...
Nits 'N Nats358 viewsAmen brother. Anyone know Rob Stickney? Whoever he is, he ain't afraid to tell it like it is.
Found an old cache of windsurfing mags and this is a letter from the November '89 issue of Windsurf.6 commentsGdawg11/08/13 at 10:39JL: Did you find this article inside a wall
Nits 'N Nats358 viewsAmen brother. Anyone know Rob Stickney? Whoever he is, he ain't afraid to tell it like it is.
Found an old cache of windsurfing mags and this is a letter from the November '89 issue of Windsurf.6 commentsGdawg11/08/13 at 10:21bwd: Oh great, now Gordon's is going to get super ...