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Last comments - Windsurfing
Windsurf-Nov89.JPG Nits 'N Nats358 viewsAmen brother. Anyone know Rob Stickney? Whoever he is, he ain't afraid to tell it like it is.
Found an old cache of windsurfing mags and this is a letter from the November '89 issue of Windsurf.
6 commentsGdawg11/08/13 at 07:29winddoctor: PimpHand! Classic ripper of surf, snow, and the BW...
P1050009.JPG 162 views1 commentsrvanderbyl11/03/13 at 15:49DavidM: More foam bash Very Happy
P1040989.JPG 147 views1 commentsrvanderbyl11/03/13 at 15:48DavidM: Nice foam bash.
P1040963.JPG 137 views1 commentsrvanderbyl11/03/13 at 09:03Sandy Beach: awesome catch, RV Cool
P1050025.JPG SP Nov 2/13294 views2 commentsrvanderbyl11/03/13 at 08:04KUS: Esp with all the glass around you, hate that :shoc...
P1050025.JPG SP Nov 2/13294 views2 commentsrvanderbyl11/02/13 at 22:30~~~~~4j~~: I remember looking back at that one chasing me... ...
P1040994.JPG 175 views1 commentsrvanderbyl11/02/13 at 22:26rvanderbyl: G-daddy almost disappeared out there!
P1050001.JPG 238 views2 commentsrvanderbyl11/02/13 at 21:48rvanderbyl: Always tempting to go down there….Sooner or late...
P1050001.JPG 238 views2 commentsrvanderbyl11/02/13 at 21:45eastside: Working on my freestyle moves
P1040999.JPG 194 views1 commentsrvanderbyl11/02/13 at 21:43eastside: Well almost logo high
161114DSC04945-L.jpg 349 viewswestcoastcaptures.com6 commentssnapper30010/21/13 at 16:21GWIND: Beautiful, will it blow again ?
DSCF0037.JPG 164 views1 commentsvoodmon10/20/13 at 11:27KUS: big fun even if way too lit Cool that 2010 OES roc...
DSCF0034.JPG 145 views1 commentsvoodmon10/16/13 at 20:07more force 4: Shocked Shocked Shocked
161323DSC04960-L5B15D.jpg Kus at work....324 views4 commentssnapper30010/16/13 at 20:05more force 4: I disagree east side I think it's a more plea...
161323DSC04960-L5B15D.jpg Kus at work....324 views4 commentssnapper30010/15/13 at 07:59KUS: Not me....I was at work
161323DSC04960-L5B15D.jpg Kus at work....324 views4 commentssnapper30010/12/13 at 12:02eastside: Nice move but for next time it would have looked b...
i-94VB5Tq-X25B15D.jpg Kus done for the day.....263 views2013-10-073 commentssnapper30010/11/13 at 08:01JL: I tore the box right out of a Tiga on an I.V. swel...
161114DSC04945-L.jpg 349 viewswestcoastcaptures.com6 commentssnapper30010/10/13 at 20:16nanmoo: This makes it look like I should have gone!
161323DSC04960-L5B15D.jpg Kus at work....324 views4 commentssnapper30010/10/13 at 20:15nanmoo: Sick backside Kus, it's hard to make those lo...
161114DSC04945-L.jpg 349 viewswestcoastcaptures.com6 commentssnapper30010/10/13 at 18:22snapper300: LOL.. thanks guys. I was lucky to get this one -...
161114DSC04945-L.jpg 349 viewswestcoastcaptures.com6 commentssnapper30010/10/13 at 11:53JL: This is why I don't bring MY camera Razz
161114DSC04945-L.jpg 349 viewswestcoastcaptures.com6 commentssnapper30010/09/13 at 22:21shaggy: I was thinking of you guys that day. Nice shots Sn...
161114DSC04945-L.jpg 349 viewswestcoastcaptures.com6 commentssnapper30010/09/13 at 20:47winddoctor: Cool
i-94VB5Tq-X25B15D.jpg Kus done for the day.....263 views2013-10-073 commentssnapper30010/09/13 at 19:25voodmon: I had the same thing happen the first time I saile...
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