Evening hightide flatwater blast on Pipers Lagoon159 viewsSunset session for someone, moon rise the other side, beautiful evening!2 commentsmore force 409/12/11 at 23:59UKshredder: that looks so tranquil, and a good escape for a so...
1721 views4 commentsHoser09/12/11 at 23:47UKshredder: thats awesome !!
274 views4 commentskookkiller09/12/11 at 22:28kookkiller: I heard you were switching back
Kus turning the big 5.3124 views1 commentsrvanderbyl09/12/11 at 20:43Sandy Beach: Duckjibe, Kus throwing hard and throwing early. Ni...
Practicing a kiter stance169 views1 commentsrvanderbyl09/12/11 at 19:29KUS: hmm, time to tighten some battens, great camera 5....
Evening hightide flatwater blast on Pipers Lagoon159 viewsSunset session for someone, moon rise the other side, beautiful evening!2 commentsmore force 409/12/11 at 17:01KUS: Wow, gorgeous place we have in our neighborhood :!...
274 views4 commentskookkiller09/12/11 at 08:23Sandy Beach: Windsurf too?! Awesome...a whole new appreciation ...
It's called a "Duck" Gybe for a reason, SB :)277 viewsOuch, my weekend husband beats me!!2 commentsKUS09/11/11 at 17:30more force 4: Can we have a next-day pic if your eye swelled shu...
SB says yes to 5.0193 viewsSandra showing great jibe form1 commentsrvanderbyl09/11/11 at 17:28more force 4: Nice pic Sandy!! POW for sure
It's called a "Duck" Gybe for a reason, SB :)277 viewsOuch, my weekend husband beats me!!2 commentsKUS09/10/11 at 20:55winddoctor: Duckies always make it feel better.
Mike, Port Steve, RandyK, Starboard Steve, Fish989 views6 commentsStarboard Steve08/18/11 at 09:30Sandy Beach: Thx, JL! Both suggestions were Rob (windsurf247) s...
Mike, Port Steve, RandyK, Starboard Steve, Fish989 views6 commentsStarboard Steve08/18/11 at 08:10JL: Sandy that's a great Idea
255 views2 commentsogopogo07/21/11 at 21:32rocdoc: WD - I'd like to make an appointment for stra...
255 views2 commentsogopogo07/21/11 at 20:43winddoctor: Photo of the week for sure!
145 views1 commentswaytogo07/17/11 at 09:33downwind dave: kudos to kite guy learning to sail!
Newstairs@www189 viewsNew stairs and a smoother access to the water....except for that log;)3 commentsrvanderbyl07/16/11 at 19:48KUS: jus kiddin'
140 views1 commentswaytogo07/16/11 at 19:46KUS: NICE work
199 views2 commentswaytogo07/16/11 at 19:44KUS: yep, musta been badly overpowered
199 views2 commentswaytogo07/16/11 at 17:59GWIND: That boom is on the down low.
Mike, Port Steve, RandyK, Starboard Steve, Fish989 views6 commentsStarboard Steve07/09/11 at 14:07downwind dave: starboard steve will never part with his protech e...
Mike, Port Steve, RandyK, Starboard Steve, Fish989 views6 commentsStarboard Steve07/09/11 at 12:01Sandy Beach: WWW in PA is accepting old boards for a future fen...
Mike, Port Steve, RandyK, Starboard Steve, Fish989 views6 commentsStarboard Steve07/09/11 at 08:59KUS: yes, scary to think most of these boards are still...