Kus - Dallas Rd. Jan 14 - 201193 views2 commentssnapper30001/15/11 at 17:49KUS: Lazy and pooped by this time, thx for the pix Mike...
Columbia Beach Dec 24-201157 views1 commentssnapper30001/15/11 at 14:00more force 4: Spectacular shot!! Spectacular sailing !!!
Columbia Beach Dec 24-201103 views1 commentssnapper30001/15/11 at 13:58more force 4: interersting shot; big 'uns in the background...
Kus ---> Dallas Rd. Jan 14-2010150 views1 commentssnapper30001/14/11 at 20:49KUS: I'm never gonna land one a these :rol...
91 views3 commentsogopogo01/14/11 at 19:51TheLaw: doc is such a pussy!
91 views3 commentsogopogo01/14/11 at 19:18nanmoo: Hmm is that me or WDoc.. I am thinking me because ...
91 views3 commentsogopogo01/14/11 at 19:12KUS: nice frame
99 views1 commentsrkwave01/04/11 at 10:02KUS: These warm weather/water/wind pix should be preced...
150 views2 commentsrkwave01/03/11 at 11:53KUS: Might have to overcome fears and anxieties, looks ...
150 views2 commentsrkwave01/02/11 at 15:19downwind dave: looks fun! just 51 days and counting..
Dec 29 NW at SP120 viewsBest wind came to those who waited!1 commentsrvanderbyl12/29/10 at 19:44KUS: Best WAVES came to those who waited.....and got a ...
Dec 29 NW at SP127 viewsI believe....a welcome first time sighting of Kus at SP!!!:)2 commentsrvanderbyl12/29/10 at 19:42KUS: The 4.2 was a blast, later waves were supersweet, ...
Dec 29 NW at SP127 viewsI believe....a welcome first time sighting of Kus at SP!!!:)2 commentsrvanderbyl12/29/10 at 13:35rvanderbyl: I apologize for the picture quality as I left my b...
Columbia Beach Dec 24-201109 views1 commentssnapper30012/26/10 at 18:02Sandy Beach: gotta love this flippin' sequence...great act...
Columbia Beach Dec 24-20167 views1 commentssnapper30012/26/10 at 18:00Sandy Beach: soaking in it...no dishpan hands here
Columbia Beach Dec 24-201129 views2 commentssnapper30012/26/10 at 18:00Sandy Beach: Truly spectacular photography here, Mike! Unbeliev...
Paul in the blue... and maybe BWD?. Columbia Beach Dec 24-2010139 views3 commentssnapper30012/26/10 at 15:52bwd: Yes that's PaulL on 4.0 and little BWD on a 3...
Paul in the blue... and maybe BWD?. Columbia Beach Dec 24-2010139 views3 commentssnapper30012/26/10 at 09:25snapper300: Yes it was Randy... Yes it was. If only I ...
Columbia Beach Dec 24-201129 views2 commentssnapper30012/26/10 at 09:02snapper300: Gold medal move in the "Freestyle Pairs"...
59 viewsWind surfing at Willow beach on the 24th Dec1 commentsAndrew Peter Bradley12/25/10 at 23:37KUS: Tiny Tim's struggle against shore breaks
Paul in the blue... and maybe BWD?. Columbia Beach Dec 24-2010139 views3 commentssnapper30012/25/10 at 21:32Randy: That's a great shot - looks like CB was rocki...
73 views1 commentsAndrew Peter Bradley12/25/10 at 17:38KUS: hmmm, yeah, the downhaul blew just prior to this s...