Ready to go Kiting347 views6 commentsnanmoo08/03/10 at 08:35nanmoo: Melodie is responsible for this...
Ready to go Kiting347 views6 commentsnanmoo08/03/10 at 06:31downwind dave: funny, but a tad disturbing you posted the pics yo...
Ready to go Kiting347 views6 commentsnanmoo08/02/10 at 21:07KUS: nice
Nitinat People: FOLO on his Drops241 views1 commentsmortontoemike07/23/10 at 13:34KC7777: C'mon get some air.....your fin is still in th...
mtm rippin Nitinat on 6.0282 views4 commentsKC777707/20/10 at 21:30mortontoemike: Blame Canada!
Normal looking launch siite here!215 views1 commentsrvanderbyl07/20/10 at 17:33KUS: hey, all the hazards are now covered, not fair :-...
Geoffy's new launch technique227 viewsLaunch @www, home of the wild westerner!5 commentsrvanderbyl07/20/10 at 15:49KUS: as long as no curling irons get involved, we'r...
Geoffy's new launch technique227 viewsLaunch @www, home of the wild westerner!5 commentsrvanderbyl07/20/10 at 12:32Geoffy: Someday I'll admit to where "Geoffy"...
Geoffy's new launch technique227 viewsLaunch @www, home of the wild westerner!5 commentsrvanderbyl07/20/10 at 11:48Nimpkish-Bill: Black Sabbath - 1970, "Fairies wear boots , y...
Geoffy's new launch technique227 viewsLaunch @www, home of the wild westerner!5 commentsrvanderbyl07/20/10 at 11:26winddoctor: Tea time! A Wheeeeeeeeee!
What wood in the water? No wood here!243 views1 commentsrvanderbyl07/20/10 at 08:55KUS: LOL, classic
Geoffy's new launch technique227 viewsLaunch @www, home of the wild westerner!5 commentsrvanderbyl07/20/10 at 07:37Geoffy: I'm thinking more "Brokeback Lake" w...
Down the Line188 views4 commentsjellyfish07/16/10 at 20:16KUS: ......if: I'd had my 3.7.... been a bit faster...
Down the Line188 views4 commentsjellyfish07/16/10 at 13:40jellyfish: I was paid a huge sum to NOT POST THAT ONE haha :...
Down the Line188 views4 commentsjellyfish07/16/10 at 08:35downwind dave: or me. i want to see the next pic, that lip ...
Rob @ www177 viewsLit, wind in the upper 30s 2 commentsrvanderbyl07/15/10 at 22:09rvanderbyl: Thanks!
Rob @ www177 viewsLit, wind in the upper 30s 2 commentsrvanderbyl07/15/10 at 19:55Cj: very cool shot
Down the Line188 views4 commentsjellyfish07/15/10 at 11:24more force 4: Photoshop that helmet yellow and it could be me :...
Mf4 Wavesailing!230 views1 commentsjellyfish07/15/10 at 11:03more force 4: OK, that was me with the 5/5! Not unbiased!
Mf4 having fun207 views1 commentsjellyfish07/15/10 at 11:02more force 4: Thanks again for the loan of the 3.7 Jelly! And t...
What to do when it's too windy to sail!312 views2 commentsrvanderbyl07/15/10 at 07:59winddoctor: It would be cool to have a log boom just upwind ne...
mtm rippin Nitinat on 6.0282 views4 commentsKC777707/14/10 at 10:19KC7777: OR your nose is red from all the wine/beer consump...
mtm rippin Nitinat on 6.0282 views4 commentsKC777707/11/10 at 11:47mortontoemike: My nose looks sunburnt! Thanks for the pic Keith.
mtm rippin Nitinat on 6.0282 views4 commentsKC777707/08/10 at 18:39KUS: nice pic of mike, we haven't seen yer smiling ...