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Last comments - Windsurfing
8B55E398-275D-4A01-A713-97A59B109ED1.jpeg Hi wind rig393 viewsSuperlight!8 commentsKUS07/20/20 at 09:06DavidM: Thanks everyone!!!
8B55E398-275D-4A01-A713-97A59B109ED1.jpeg Hi wind rig393 viewsSuperlight!8 commentsKUS07/20/20 at 06:45winddoctor: Shocked So glad you're OK, David!
8B55E398-275D-4A01-A713-97A59B109ED1.jpeg Hi wind rig393 viewsSuperlight!8 commentsKUS07/19/20 at 18:34HiyoSilver: Holey f@ck!! Shocked
8B55E398-275D-4A01-A713-97A59B109ED1.jpeg Hi wind rig393 viewsSuperlight!8 commentsKUS07/19/20 at 15:49rvanderbyl: That's a little too close for comfort. Lookin...
8B55E398-275D-4A01-A713-97A59B109ED1.jpeg Hi wind rig393 viewsSuperlight!8 commentsKUS07/19/20 at 15:37redbaron: yikes! Shocked
8B55E398-275D-4A01-A713-97A59B109ED1.jpeg Hi wind rig393 viewsSuperlight!8 commentsKUS07/19/20 at 14:46KUS: So happy ur ok Dave Exclamation
20200223_143055.jpg 167 views1 commentsmore force 407/09/20 at 16:56KUS: Razz dive, dive....hoooooot Surprised
P1070641.jpeg SP ESE127 viewsRare group windsurfer sighting1 commentsrvanderbyl05/28/20 at 20:20KUS: That was a really fun day, Downwinder Cool and Henk...
20200223_143251.jpg 146 views2 commentsmore force 402/26/20 at 20:42FrancescoSeacily: Spraaaaayyyy
20200223_142844.jpg 177 views2 commentsmore force 402/24/20 at 21:39KUS: Nice shot Very Happy
20200223_142844.jpg 177 views2 commentsmore force 402/24/20 at 10:59winddoctor: Cool
PQB_news_January_14_2020_large_.jpg PQB news211 viewsswell time was had1 commentsKUS01/20/20 at 13:12KUS: not to mention some weight gain Shocked the pic i...
untitled-122.JPG 44 views2 commentsseasmoke01/02/20 at 09:40eastside: Yes
untitled-57.JPG 36 views1 commentsseasmoke01/01/20 at 11:24~~~~~4j~~: Proof I was there! Fun steep backside ramps for ae...
untitled-122.JPG 44 views2 commentsseasmoke12/31/19 at 23:49KUS: Razz
untitled-125.JPG Columbia Beach Dec. 31/1935 views1 commentsseasmoke12/31/19 at 22:14KUS: Great shot Razz
P1220421~0.JPG Kus sailing a NW at CB140 views2 commentsjellyfish11/02/19 at 21:05HiyoSilver: Looks a little awkward Smile
P1220421~0.JPG Kus sailing a NW at CB140 views2 commentsjellyfish10/30/19 at 12:01winddude: Confused the wind seems to be going in the wrong direct...
bear2.jpg Dairy bear at Nitinat363 viewswondering where all the campers have gone2 commentsSandy Beach10/15/19 at 07:28Sandy Beach: Giving thanks Smile
IMG_4508.JPG Shaggy foiling 395 views1 commentsjuandesooka09/10/19 at 08:56downwind dave: looks pretty sick i should try this Shocked isn&#...
IMG_4570.JPG Shaggy foiling103 views1 commentsjuandesooka09/08/19 at 15:33Sandy Beach: Pete, you make foiling look as easy as pie, which ...
20190724_181006.jpg Foil Contact (not recommended)219 viewsImpact was just above the knee on top of the thigh but the bruising is obeying gravity2 commentsmore force 407/29/19 at 16:59KUS: Gotta stop this messing about with these “windâ€...
20190724_181006.jpg Foil Contact (not recommended)219 viewsImpact was just above the knee on top of the thigh but the bruising is obeying gravity2 commentsmore force 407/25/19 at 07:14bwd: Ouch Confused heal up fast. Hopefully that looks wors...
CapeSmack.jpg Cape Smack138 views3 commentsTsawwassen06/24/19 at 22:51Tsawwassen: Thanks guys, wish you were there Exclamation
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