Jelly sequence at Willows331 viewsNice planing gybe there, JF 2 commentsKUS11/22/09 at 08:32KUS: and only just nicking the reef, bet those barnacle...
Christmas eve..Qew beach toronto, christmas eve 1982, sometimes we sailed in the dark with the light from the woodbine horse race track lighting up the white water, kind of freaky when jumping though. I'm the white sail on a standard one design.265 views2 commentsvoodmon11/20/09 at 11:55more force 4: Jeez, Jl, mine just went to the dump a couple of w...
Christmas eve..Qew beach toronto, christmas eve 1982, sometimes we sailed in the dark with the light from the woodbine horse race track lighting up the white water, kind of freaky when jumping though. I'm the white sail on a standard one design.265 views2 commentsvoodmon11/19/09 at 23:11JL: Nice ... I picked up a one design in Sept. Anyone ...
Get greedy get worked285 views1 commentsKUS11/19/09 at 19:53KUS: check the outer break
Grunge tri dragged ashore, Willows222 views3 commentsmore force 411/19/09 at 13:43more force 4: I think the water on the left side counts as "...
Grunge tri dragged ashore, Willows222 views3 commentsmore force 411/18/09 at 21:01KUS: ah, that's the one for sale and the one in the...
Grunge tri dragged ashore, Willows222 views3 commentsmore force 411/18/09 at 20:22JL: (...)
Kus @ Florence201 views2 commentsjellyfish11/18/09 at 18:34KUS: yeah, well, note the completely sheeted out and go...
RX, Early in the game249 views1 commentsKUS11/18/09 at 11:47UKshredder: Nice little peak.
212 views2 commentsshaggy11/18/09 at 11:37UKshredder: the best picture i have seen for ages...fantastic.
Clover Point 1312 views1 commentsshaggy11/16/09 at 20:19nanmoo: where is this actually?
Poser292 views3 commentsJL11/16/09 at 09:22BA: my gear got worked repeatedly!!
128 views1 commentsshaggy11/15/09 at 18:30bwd: Looks like the birds spooked you again?
210 views1 commentsshaggy11/14/09 at 19:11KUS: Thomas owned it, nice shot catching docantics in t...
157 views1 commentsshaggy11/14/09 at 19:10KUS: pain means nothing on a day like THIS
Clover Point 2272 views1 commentsshaggy11/14/09 at 19:08KUS: nice work stickman
Down the line one handed body drag165 views2 commentsshaggy11/14/09 at 18:58KUS: Man, I love those booties Cool move too, Doc ...
138 views1 commentsshaggy11/14/09 at 18:55KUS: Ghost rider collection u ok RainX
4090 viewsBest windsurfing Photo of WA
www.strongkiteboarding.com3 commentsAC11/11/09 at 21:54AC: I want to go back:( Anyone want to do a trip to WA...
393 views":)"1 commentsAC10/28/09 at 12:35Joostio: wicked shot! watch that mast tip.
Windsurfish Duck Jibe ..230 views1 commentsmortontoemike10/28/09 at 12:34Joostio: this trick is not as easy as it looks, maybe try k...