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DSC00982.jpg DWD throwing a Shuvit ...410 views6 commentsmortontoemike08/05/09 at 20:00downwind dave: Very Happy hey nice pic mike, thanks!
P7258753~0.JPG Bam256 views1 commentsKUS07/31/09 at 13:21KUS: Kevin in the background, Victor getting worked in ...
P7258748.JPG 60 year old Victor killin' it299 views2 commentsKUS07/31/09 at 12:58KUS: u don't know the half of it, they guy has a st...
P1000886_kus_freestyle.JPG My new freestyle move318 views1 commentsKUS07/29/09 at 12:10JL: The 'Hipster' Idea
XL_wave_dave.JPG XLWaveDave @ Flo :)688 views8 commentsKUS07/27/09 at 15:35Wingnut: and that's how he became known as Bigwavedave ...
P7258748.JPG 60 year old Victor killin' it299 views2 commentsKUS07/27/09 at 13:32GWIND: OK KUS U R my x hero now.
jump.jpg Flo June 2009345 views5 commentsJfish07/26/09 at 22:34UKshredder: Single fin is where its at...don't be fooled !
XL_wave_dave.JPG XLWaveDave @ Flo :)688 views8 commentsKUS07/23/09 at 10:34nitnaht Pat: Is he dropping in?
Jetty_June_30_2009_032.JPG Florence351 views8 commentsjellyfish07/17/09 at 13:42UKshredder: run like hell, then chicken gybe in the shallows :...
P6298414.JPG Kus @ Florence201 views2 commentsjellyfish07/17/09 at 13:40UKshredder: Looks so great !! Much better spaced than our stuf...
davewave.jpg BWD coming off a ramp186 views2 commentsJfish07/17/09 at 13:40UKshredder: sick !!
Jetty_June_30_2009_032.JPG Florence351 views8 commentsjellyfish07/17/09 at 09:24downwind dave: jump clear, dive deep Wink
davebigwave.jpg Dave going out to meet the monster243 views2 commentsJfish07/17/09 at 07:23KUS: "damn, how did Jellyfish make it over that on...
Jetty_June_30_2009_032.JPG Florence351 views8 commentsjellyfish07/17/09 at 06:52Geoffy: See BWD's one-handed goiter over the whitewate...
Jetty_June_30_2009_032.JPG Florence351 views8 commentsjellyfish07/16/09 at 21:12Russian Dood: i just close my eyes and start crying. seems to be...
Jetty_June_30_2009_029.JPG Florence Pros out Playing281 views1 commentsjellyfish07/16/09 at 19:32KUS: see, that guy totally lost his edge and spinning o...
Jetty_June_30_2009_032.JPG Florence351 views8 commentsjellyfish07/16/09 at 19:30KUS: like looking down a banked race track Very Happy carve, t...
Jetty_June_30_2009_032.JPG Florence351 views8 commentsjellyfish07/16/09 at 12:55bwd: or just Goiter over the whitewater and exit out th...
Jetty_June_30_2009_032.JPG Florence351 views8 commentsjellyfish07/16/09 at 12:51Geoffy: Notice there's a couple feet high of nice gree...
Jetty_June_30_2009_032.JPG Florence351 views8 commentsjellyfish07/16/09 at 11:42more force 4: So for us wave wannabes, what do you do next in th...
XL_wave_dave.JPG XLWaveDave @ Flo :)688 views8 commentsKUS07/15/09 at 21:40winddoctor: Best photo on BWD yet! Laughing Laughing Laughing
OLYMPUS_DIGITAL_CAMERA_37.jpg Shorebreak Florence June 29/09286 views1 commentsjellyfish07/15/09 at 20:56Russian Dood: I yielded "mine" but he didn't get i...
OLYMPUS_DIGITAL_CAMERA_45.jpg Florence June 29/09209 views1 commentsjellyfish07/15/09 at 20:39KUS: ok, who's got the right of way Question
XL_wave_dave.JPG XLWaveDave @ Flo :)688 views8 commentsKUS07/15/09 at 14:35JL: I'm locking my doors Confused
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