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Last comments - Windsurfing
P7048585.JPG That bridge is sooo paid for175 views2 commentsKUS07/08/09 at 12:33JL: This is about 100meters from where I hiked through...
P7048574.JPG David Suzuki windsurfs in HR248 viewsHeavy Shopping for carbon plastics at Big Winds, decompose THAT ya hypocrite!1 commentsKUS07/08/09 at 11:28downwind dave: wait a tic.. isnt that Jerry Garcia Shocked
johhnyman.jpg "i like long walks on the beach, sunsets, kittens and...."343 views4 commentsnanmoo07/08/09 at 10:19KUS: yes, well, we already know you are easily shocked,...
P7078606.JPG Eagle Creek & HollowBones' fine new brand142 viewsTricerahops was delicious in this wicked setting1 commentsKUS07/08/09 at 10:05KUS: Check out this launch Cool
Marcus_-_leetle_set_Flo_6-09~0.jpg Florence, Monday 6-29-09, Huge, 1.5+ mast KUS Owned the Early Session Outside - Crazy411 views5 commentsGeoffy07/02/09 at 20:11eastside: HUGE Cool
Pat_and_Ruskie_-_Awww,_cute!.jpg Happy - Happy Day, Jellyfish was OUT THERE (more to come!)273 views3 commentsGeoffy06/30/09 at 20:51Geoffy: But will you hold his hand too! Wink
Marcus_-_leetle_set_Flo_6-09~0.jpg Florence, Monday 6-29-09, Huge, 1.5+ mast KUS Owned the Early Session Outside - Crazy411 views5 commentsGeoffy06/30/09 at 20:01Globe: nice! Very Happy
Pat_and_Ruskie_-_Awww,_cute!.jpg Happy - Happy Day, Jellyfish was OUT THERE (more to come!)273 views3 commentsGeoffy06/30/09 at 18:17winddoctor: How much does it cost per diem for the Russian rig...
Pat_-_use_the_straps,_they_re_not_only_for_sex.jpg Use the straps Jellyfish, they're not only for sex, you know! Monday, Florence, YES - While it was still big!300 views2 commentsGeoffy06/30/09 at 18:02winddoctor: Point those toes, Jellyfish! Laughing
Dave_Bottom-Turn_set-up.jpg Dave Bottom-turn, Monday 6-29-09, Florence, Head to Logo - Inside sets!337 views2 commentsGeoffy06/30/09 at 17:27~~~~~4j~~: Beauty, Dave.
Dave_Bottom-Turn_set-up.jpg Dave Bottom-turn, Monday 6-29-09, Florence, Head to Logo - Inside sets!337 views2 commentsGeoffy06/30/09 at 17:19JL: Nice.
Pat_and_Ruskie_-_Awww,_cute!.jpg Happy - Happy Day, Jellyfish was OUT THERE (more to come!)273 views3 commentsGeoffy06/30/09 at 17:18JL: Big Very Happy
Pat_-_use_the_straps,_they_re_not_only_for_sex.jpg Use the straps Jellyfish, they're not only for sex, you know! Monday, Florence, YES - While it was still big!300 views2 commentsGeoffy06/30/09 at 17:18JL: Go girl ... Cool
Marcus_-_leetle_set_Flo_6-09~0.jpg Florence, Monday 6-29-09, Huge, 1.5+ mast KUS Owned the Early Session Outside - Crazy411 views5 commentsGeoffy06/30/09 at 17:17JL: Cajones !!! Razz
Marcus_-_leetle_set_Flo_6-09~0.jpg Florence, Monday 6-29-09, Huge, 1.5+ mast KUS Owned the Early Session Outside - Crazy411 views5 commentsGeoffy06/30/09 at 16:07MartyD: That is just AWESOME! Props KUS! Shocked
johhnyman.jpg "i like long walks on the beach, sunsets, kittens and...."343 views4 commentsnanmoo06/25/09 at 07:19JL: Better to participate than to watch Shocked
johhnyman.jpg "i like long walks on the beach, sunsets, kittens and...."343 views4 commentsnanmoo06/24/09 at 22:08nanmoo: quite an admission kus.
johhnyman.jpg "i like long walks on the beach, sunsets, kittens and...."343 views4 commentsnanmoo06/24/09 at 21:20KUS: ....I dig trannies Laughing
fire3.JPG 186 views9 commentsnanmoo06/22/09 at 20:06KUS: Laughing Laughing love the commentary...considering thi...
fire4.JPG 188 views6 commentsnanmoo06/20/09 at 17:29more force 4: When just blasting along, you can also have your h...
IMG_1422.jpg haven't sailed in ages176 views I stopped sailing 9 years ago and i wanted to see if I could still do it. nice to be back on the water!1 commentsJoostio06/20/09 at 17:24more force 4: If you can sail that well with nine years of rust,...
IMG_1421.jpg 158 views2 commentsJoostio06/20/09 at 10:18Joostio: late duck jybe attempt. ended great with a dip in ...
fire4.JPG 188 views6 commentsnanmoo06/20/09 at 09:53downwind dave: after i rig and before i plug in the uj i stand up...
IMAG0030.jpg "Honey, guess what I am wearing ringht now"373 views2 commentsRussian Dood06/20/09 at 08:08rocdoc: I guess its true! Gratuitious sex sells boards. Ca...
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