Ouch!351 views4 commentsmortontoemike01/08/09 at 10:37Russian Dood: That's exactly how I remember it the dr...
Ouch!351 views4 commentsmortontoemike01/05/09 at 21:06voodmon: yup! the malahat is scary, glad i left cobble hill...
Sprinter effect on wind192 viewsKus almost has me convinced I need to buy a different van!4 commentsmore force 401/05/09 at 10:53KUS: man, this is soooo freakin' funny I was ...
Ouch!351 views4 commentsmortontoemike01/05/09 at 09:33MartyD: I drove through at about 430... not fun or safe :-...
Sprinter effect on wind192 viewsKus almost has me convinced I need to buy a different van!4 commentsmore force 401/04/09 at 19:12voodmon: well mf4 my buddy sven has been driving one of tho...
Captures the essence of dec 2008 sailing273 views1 commentsdownwind dave01/03/09 at 21:00more force 4:
22 dec lancelin western australia172 viewsrare onshore winds, hard to reach break2 commentsduckbill01/03/09 at 16:23Windsurfish: Happy New Year Bill!!! Looks like you are sailing ...
December 20 storm model161 viewsNew colours - white for 60 knots sustained! Rorstadt (SP?) anyone?1 commentsmore force 412/20/08 at 18:13winddoctor: Rorschach. I see the devil. Does that mean anythi...
Windsurfish, San Pareil191 views2 commentsrvanderbyl12/13/08 at 15:44Windsurfish: OH! I thought if I plowed along I'd make bigg...
Windsurfish, San Pareil191 views2 commentsrvanderbyl12/13/08 at 14:47winddoctor: Hey Chris, try to lean forward a bit. Then your wa...
Just another average summer day at Nitnat377 views3 commentsrvanderbyl12/13/08 at 01:00UKshredder: Thats such a beautiful view.............although w...
KGB Lunch at Arlington325 viewsSome people will eat anything :)4 commentsWindsurfish12/12/08 at 17:06GWIND: Thats not anything, thats lungs lips and assholes
Just another average summer day at Nitnat377 views3 commentsrvanderbyl12/11/08 at 19:25Windsurfish: Those Dog days of summer.....
noon session - Pat Bay170 viewswindsurf 24/71 commentsSandy Beach12/10/08 at 21:03GWIND: you mean nooner
Just another average summer day at Nitnat377 views3 commentsrvanderbyl12/07/08 at 06:01Sandy Beach: NICE....ahhhhhh...summer....
Winddoc endo497 viewsPhoto by Pete Caljouw (Thanks!)6 commentswinddoctor11/30/08 at 14:10windsurf247: I couldn't see it either After a little ex...
CB Bean376 views2 commentsrvanderbyl11/29/08 at 09:29GWIND: mr. bean
Winddoc endo497 viewsPhoto by Pete Caljouw (Thanks!)6 commentswinddoctor11/26/08 at 18:06bwd: I see it, you have to close your left eye and unfo...
Winddoc endo497 viewsPhoto by Pete Caljouw (Thanks!)6 commentswinddoctor11/26/08 at 09:42downwind dave: obviously you need to tuck in your leg more.. keep...
Winddoc endo497 viewsPhoto by Pete Caljouw (Thanks!)6 commentswinddoctor11/25/08 at 23:25winddoctor: Waaaaa?
Winddoc endo497 viewsPhoto by Pete Caljouw (Thanks!)6 commentswinddoctor11/25/08 at 22:10Sandy Beach: As usual..amazing pix, Chris. This one is a bit of...
Pat Bay - windsurf 24/7370 viewsOct 7/082 commentsSandy Beach10/09/08 at 22:11windsurf247: Yup. It was never on my radar either until I moved...