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IMG_5488.jpg So, about them other obstacles342 views2 commentsKUS08/10/08 at 11:31winddoctor: Actually, it looks like "Glenn" is about...
P7195763.JPG Dave? Hey Dave, you okay?1111 viewsBingin' in Bingen2 commentsKUS08/10/08 at 11:25winddoctor: That's the last time I take my Mom out drinkin...
P1010074.JPG BWD at Arlington303 views1 commentsbean08/04/08 at 14:06bwd: Hmmm, that isn't going to end well
P1010084.JPG Doc at Arlington358 views1 commentsbean08/04/08 at 09:04KUS: nice swellies Razz
IMG_5461.jpg Carving to slow down and live382 viewsthx for the pix, Pete!4 commentsKUS07/28/08 at 17:09KUS: and I wondered why I suffered from tendonitis :oop...
IMG_5461.jpg Carving to slow down and live382 viewsthx for the pix, Pete!4 commentsKUS07/27/08 at 12:59eastside: Amazing what an audience of Brazilian kitechicks d...
102_0213.JPG Macktush Creek Campground291 viewsGreat day at Macktush. Check out the sail size1 commentssilvia07/27/08 at 12:54eastside: Bill.....first time on his 73 l short board.... I ...
102_0234.JPG Macktush Creek Campground197 views1 commentssilvia07/27/08 at 12:52eastside: good jibe Adrian Very Happy
IMG_5442.jpg Thx for the pics Pete!216 views1 commentsKUS07/26/08 at 19:38KUS: so windy your own spray was smokin' the back o...
IMG_5481.jpg Cook is a nutbar.....oh, and quite fast ;)420 views6 commentsKUS07/26/08 at 05:58voodmon: Roberts custom board, sailworks Hucker...bingo! HU...
P7090008.JPG San Pareil at it's best!272 viewsCOME ON PEOPLE! This is too good for just 1 person!1 commentsrvanderbyl07/25/08 at 10:22Windsurfish: I think this is a Photoshop Paste up? Smile Looks l...
IMG_5481.jpg Cook is a nutbar.....oh, and quite fast ;)420 views6 commentsKUS07/25/08 at 08:33TheLaw: that is a sweet shot! He is probably still going ...
IMG_5481.jpg Cook is a nutbar.....oh, and quite fast ;)420 views6 commentsKUS07/25/08 at 07:02JL: I've never come close to that height with a ki...
IMG_5461.jpg Carving to slow down and live382 viewsthx for the pix, Pete!4 commentsKUS07/25/08 at 07:00JL: Check out the mast deflection !!! Very Happy
IMG_5481.jpg Cook is a nutbar.....oh, and quite fast ;)420 views6 commentsKUS07/24/08 at 22:37KUS: when u r sailing 4.2 and a slalom board, everyone ...
IMG_5461.jpg Carving to slow down and live382 viewsthx for the pix, Pete!4 commentsKUS07/24/08 at 17:10more force 4: Holie crap Kus, I hope the locals were impressed ...
IMG_5488.jpg So, about them other obstacles342 views2 commentsKUS07/24/08 at 15:04downwind dave: did royn show you some tricks?
IMG_5481.jpg Cook is a nutbar.....oh, and quite fast ;)420 views6 commentsKUS07/24/08 at 14:36MartyD: Does he have a kite attached to that thing? Razz T...
mf4july08.jpg MF4 powers through302 views4.5 jibe, Nitinat July 2008, photo Matt Simmons2 commentsmore force 407/23/08 at 14:26GWIND: Now that's setting a rail, sail powered, solid...
mf4july08.jpg MF4 powers through302 views4.5 jibe, Nitinat July 2008, photo Matt Simmons2 commentsmore force 407/23/08 at 12:56downwind dave: nice spray!
P7195760.JPG Hoser, HBD chillin' ...ah, cooking...at Dougs478 views2 commentsKUS07/21/08 at 19:47downwind dave: ..and is that the end of a rib poking out your shi...
P7195763.JPG Dave? Hey Dave, you okay?1111 viewsBingin' in Bingen2 commentsKUS07/21/08 at 19:45downwind dave: Shocked "beware pickpickets and loose women&...
P7195760.JPG Hoser, HBD chillin' ...ah, cooking...at Dougs478 views2 commentsKUS07/20/08 at 19:03Wingnut: nice hairdo Dave...you using mousse or gel? Razz
P6225481.JPG Zoooom ;)238 views2 commentsKUS07/18/08 at 17:48Barb W: yes....I noticed Smile
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