BWD524 views7 commentsTheLaw05/16/08 at 20:16Cindy: Marty....Marty that you???
BWD524 views7 commentsTheLaw05/14/08 at 21:10more force 4: With that skull-like helmet and the protruding eye...
BWD524 views7 commentsTheLaw05/14/08 at 12:21winddoctor: Yet another example of terminal Florence Jetty si...
BWD524 views7 commentsTheLaw05/14/08 at 12:10TheLaw: I had forgetton the chicken thing!
BWD524 views7 commentsTheLaw05/14/08 at 11:39downwind dave: that eye...i cant get away
BWD524 views7 commentsTheLaw05/14/08 at 11:11bwd: I like chicken!!
BWD524 views7 commentsTheLaw05/14/08 at 10:53TheLaw: BWD's wicked horse camp look....found this on ...
220 viewsTeignmouth again2 commentsUKshredder04/20/08 at 11:32SMACK: Afterburner on....
297 viewsTeignmouth - Day 2 3 commentsUKshredder04/20/08 at 06:39UKshredder: It was blowing pretty hard.. fully powered on a 4....
297 viewsTeignmouth - Day 2 3 commentsUKshredder04/19/08 at 16:31GWIND: HELL almighty- that looks tasty. what's the wi...
220 viewsTeignmouth again2 commentsUKshredder04/18/08 at 20:02downwind dave: howie youre going to get a pic in another magazine...
219 views4 commentswindwoman04/12/08 at 15:45rvanderbyl: Maybe a little less beer and some of you could pla...
View from our room, Yaque beach hotel, Margarita190 viewsPic's from rvan's trip2 commentsrvanderbyl04/06/08 at 13:35rvanderbyl: Kite zone starts left of frame or upwind. Area you...
View from our room, Yaque beach hotel, Margarita190 viewsPic's from rvan's trip2 commentsrvanderbyl04/06/08 at 10:41KUS: why so few kites, is the kite beach up/down wind :...
208 views1 commentsvoodmon03/29/08 at 17:23voodmon: aiming right back at ya bwd...
More beard action from the UK314 views1 commentsUKshredder03/22/08 at 20:44arturo: Where is the grey
OZY IS A STAR426 views3 commentsbwd03/22/08 at 19:31eastside: way da go ozy..he learned it all dodging sea lions...
Peter blames Bean, I'd blame JP678 views6 commentsKUS03/22/08 at 12:01UKshredder: Savage skills KUS ! Hope it was a sweet jump ?
Windsurfer's that can't swim?259 views1 commentsSMACK03/22/08 at 11:56UKshredder: That looks beautiful with the sea grass in the for...
The good friday209 viewsJust a perfect little day with a 4.5.1 commentsUKshredder03/22/08 at 08:09SMACK: Wow..........what a nice spot.
The Good Friday211 viewsMellow session at Daymer bay - North shore Cornwall
Really great fun on a 4.5 for 4 hours !1 commentsUKshredder03/22/08 at 08:08SMACK: Alway's great shot's..........
OZY IS A STAR426 views3 commentsbwd03/17/08 at 16:04~~~~~4j~~: Nice, good job Ozy!
OZY IS A STAR426 views3 commentsbwd03/16/08 at 20:46GWIND: And you should see him shumka dance.
What a day, Nov. 15 2006247 viewsImportant links on the toolbar1 commentsObstreperous03/08/08 at 09:57eastside: hey I was there......sitting on the beach that is ...