232 views2 commentsMattdog03/08/08 at 09:52eastside: just why does Adrian need those sunglasses
Qualicum winds roar through the gap here.297 views1 commentsJL03/08/08 at 09:49eastside: gust fest
Tiree, Scotland September 07705 viewsFound this picture of Tiree the week before the wave contest started. 2 commentsUKshredder02/29/08 at 08:04KUS: nice, looks like ya don't wanna miss tho :sho...
Peter blames Bean, I'd blame JP678 views6 commentsKUS02/09/08 at 08:24Windsurfish: Otta be able to carve chicken jibe quicker now?
Peter blames Bean, I'd blame JP678 views6 commentsKUS02/08/08 at 16:10GWIND: Is that BEAN the worlds flattest loop lander "...
Peter blames Bean, I'd blame JP678 views6 commentsKUS02/08/08 at 13:37bean: What a bummer. It was Luksay's board before it...
Peter blames Bean, I'd blame JP678 views6 commentsKUS02/08/08 at 10:34downwind dave: maybe the 7 hard years too it least the foot...
JR Feb05/08246 views1 commentsshaggy02/07/08 at 03:44asscrack: Chilly willy :oops...
219 views4 commentswindwoman01/15/08 at 18:11KUS: Barely enough to plane a big board with the 5.8 :r...
Eastside w/ his new Koyote toy :)347 views1 commentsKUS01/15/08 at 17:53GWIND: WOW IS THAT A SPEED SAIL ?
260 views2 commentswindwoman01/14/08 at 19:40asscrack: Marathon Dave and Mark the Sprungman :lol:kiting.
219 views4 commentswindwoman01/14/08 at 15:15windwoman: 4th Annual 'Sail Together' ....... some pe...
260 views2 commentswindwoman01/14/08 at 15:07windwoman: New Year's Day @ Willows.
219 views4 commentswindwoman01/14/08 at 12:06more force 4: The January 1 sail I believe. Not quite enough to...
another raeside300 viewsI think this came out just after Kus' front page jump; I just found it.3 commentsmore force 401/14/08 at 11:48eastside: If the stinky bootie fits
Cont'd334 views3 commentsJL01/11/08 at 23:57marinelawyer: Visor doors on the Herald did not open below the w...
Willows Beach, Dec. 16, 2007277 views1 commentsbowshot12/31/07 at 16:30more force 4: SMOKIN' (both the wind on the water and t...
another raeside300 viewsI think this came out just after Kus' front page jump; I just found it.3 commentsmore force 412/31/07 at 16:27more force 4: I don't think it can be classed as libelous if...
another raeside300 viewsI think this came out just after Kus' front page jump; I just found it.3 commentsmore force 412/30/07 at 21:25KUS: Nice find well except for the fact it makes ...
voodmon wavey willows241 views1 commentsvoodmon12/30/07 at 17:20more force 4: I guess thats overhead considering the height of t...
Russian Dood gybing in the IV Bay....ah, Andrey??350 views1 commentsKUS12/29/07 at 16:04Russian Dood: Am I somewhere in there? Yeah got greedy ...
Who is this?383 viewsChristmas Day and only the top of the mast showing,waves are large,wind is 30 gusting 38.Chilly for willy too!2 commentsasscrack12/26/07 at 08:24voodmon: island view or willows? willows was overhead too!
Who is this?383 viewsChristmas Day and only the top of the mast showing,waves are large,wind is 30 gusting 38.Chilly for willy too!2 commentsasscrack12/25/07 at 17:05KUS: well, not many of us old folks out there
349 views1 commentsshaggy12/21/07 at 06:10asscrack: nice!!!!