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DavePumpkinFest.JPG What BWD does on no-wind days678 viewsBWD playing some mean guitar at Pumpkin Fest 20055 commentsmorewind10/17/05 at 20:24winddoctor: Dave, you'll always be my lil' rainbow warrior. :l...
DavePumpkinFest.JPG What BWD does on no-wind days678 viewsBWD playing some mean guitar at Pumpkin Fest 20055 commentsmorewind10/17/05 at 10:37jimmy lewis: You'd love Hornby Dave !!!
DavePumpkinFest.JPG What BWD does on no-wind days678 viewsBWD playing some mean guitar at Pumpkin Fest 20055 commentsmorewind10/17/05 at 10:21Russian Guy: He looks like Sir Paul in his nineties Wink
DavePumpkinFest.JPG What BWD does on no-wind days678 viewsBWD playing some mean guitar at Pumpkin Fest 20055 commentsmorewind10/17/05 at 08:22jimmy lewis: Groovy !!!
DavePumpkinFest.JPG What BWD does on no-wind days678 viewsBWD playing some mean guitar at Pumpkin Fest 20055 commentsmorewind10/16/05 at 19:53bigwavedave: Very Happy
0509-Nit-E-Monty,Marcus,Pat lunch.jpg 0509-Nit-Monty,Kus,Pat lunch346 views1 commentsVic Evans10/01/05 at 07:39KUS: three victims on the mend Embarrassed
0509-Nit-E-Rick,Pat,John,Naiomi,-,-,Mike.jpg 0509-Nit-Rick,Pat,John,Naiomi,-,-,Mike406 views3 commentsVic Evans09/30/05 at 18:52more force 4: Oh, and Bondi Beach Boy (lab). Marcus looking ver...
0509-Nit-E-Lake scene.jpg 0509-Nit-Pat, beach scene396 views1 commentsVic Evans09/30/05 at 18:45more force 4: Not too shabby conditions for nearly October!
0509-Nit-E-Rick,Pat,John,Naiomi,-,-,Mike.jpg 0509-Nit-Rick,Pat,John,Naiomi,-,-,Mike406 views3 commentsVic Evans09/30/05 at 15:51downwind dave: looks like a great trip nomes gotta "hand&quo...
0509-Nit-E-Jellyfish on beach.jpg 379 views1 commentsVic Evans09/30/05 at 14:51Russian Guy: Windsurfing people... what's left of them. Just ki...
0509-Nit-E-Monty head.jpg 0509-Nit-Monty281 views1 commentsVic Evans09/30/05 at 14:43KUS: what happened to the rest of the brownies, Vic Question...
0509-Nit-E-Rick,Pat,John,Naiomi,-,-,Mike.jpg 0509-Nit-Rick,Pat,John,Naiomi,-,-,Mike406 views3 commentsVic Evans09/30/05 at 14:41KUS: MF4, Kus Very Happy
trevforward.jpg 567 viewsdunkin guy looping1 commentsUKshredder09/18/05 at 07:37KUS: hey, he DOES look like a spider....hotsails spider...
expedit.jpg Mike, Port Steve, RandyK, Starboard Steve, Fish987 views6 commentsStarboard Steve09/07/05 at 10:07downwind dave: man those short shorts were such the rage back in ...
SlalomRacers.JPG 2001 Slalom Racers636 views1 commentsStarboard Steve09/06/05 at 18:44Starboard Steve: Fish, Zippy, Tweezer, Betts, Steve T., Big Brad, R...
P8240014_e2.jpg skippers meet - way back1357 views7 comments~ pimp hand ~09/02/05 at 18:53tweezer: I remember all that neon - Zippy still uses his Z-...
trevstyle.jpg Dunkin guy stylin hard in Guincho !615 views1 commentsUKshredder09/02/05 at 08:13downwind dave: or hardly stylin'. you be the judge Razz
P8240014_e2.jpg skippers meet - way back1357 views7 comments~ pimp hand ~08/31/05 at 10:14jimmy lewis: Ranger Rick, Matt, Don, Al.....Great shot !
P8240014_e2.jpg skippers meet - way back1357 views7 comments~ pimp hand ~08/31/05 at 08:34downwind dave: my eyes! Cool blinded by the neon Cool (i meant...
P8240014_e2.jpg skippers meet - way back1357 views7 comments~ pimp hand ~08/30/05 at 20:29KUS: I told ya, those growth hormones kick some ass :-...
P8240014_e2.jpg skippers meet - way back1357 views7 comments~ pimp hand ~08/30/05 at 17:51winddoctor: No that's Lil' Kus in da helmut!
P8240014_e2.jpg skippers meet - way back1357 views7 comments~ pimp hand ~08/30/05 at 11:41downwind dave: looks a bit before my time, I can only name glen m...
hdhigh.JPG Mile high at Guincho, Portugal679 views2 commentsUKshredder08/27/05 at 01:34UKshredder: Hey Dave ,
Its a couple of years old now, but it ...
hdhigh.JPG Mile high at Guincho, Portugal679 views2 commentsUKshredder08/25/05 at 10:15downwind dave: nice! Wink so who is that you snapped a pic of?
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