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Last comments - Windsurfing
xlargeLB.jpg Long Beach Xlarge April 27186 views2 commentsTsawwassen04/29/17 at 10:23KUS: Razz nice day, looks like the dollar will have me l...
151901DSC06396.jpg 113 viewsIV Windstorm - 04-07-172 commentssnapper30004/11/17 at 09:25C36: Glad to see your back in sync with the forecasts W...
133937DSC05481.jpg 70 views1 commentssnapper30004/11/17 at 09:24C36: Cool
134326DSC05537.jpg 66 viewsIV Windstorm - 04-07-171 commentssnapper30004/11/17 at 09:23C36: Very Happy
134755DSC05673.jpg 69 viewsIV Windstorm - 04-07-171 commentssnapper30004/11/17 at 09:23C36: Very Happy
135731DSC05814.jpg 70 viewsIV Windstorm - 04-07-171 commentssnapper30004/11/17 at 09:22C36: Very Happy
135731DSC05810.jpg 78 viewsIV Windstorm - 04-07-171 commentssnapper30004/08/17 at 22:53HiyoSilver: Very Happy
140709DSC05982.jpg 111 viewsIV Windstorm - 04-07-172 commentssnapper30004/08/17 at 22:51HiyoSilver: Surprised
151901DSC06396.jpg 113 viewsIV Windstorm - 04-07-172 commentssnapper30004/08/17 at 22:50HiyoSilver: Very Happy
shaggy.jpg Shaggy Pete262 views4 commentswinddoctor04/07/17 at 19:15redbaron: Great shot!!!!
shaggy.jpg Shaggy Pete262 views4 commentswinddoctor04/07/17 at 13:17Sandy Beach: calendar material!! Rockstar Cool
shaggy.jpg Shaggy Pete262 views4 commentswinddoctor04/07/17 at 01:28snapper300: Sweet Exclamation Exclamation
shaggy.jpg Shaggy Pete262 views4 commentswinddoctor04/03/17 at 21:23HiyoSilver: Cool
Read_Watson_Oakbay_Willows.jpg Read What's On in the News291 viewsLook what I found, almost same time of year. RIP JR4 commentsKUS03/26/17 at 11:12KUS: Yes indeed it is… And today about willows I stan...
Read_Watson_Oakbay_Willows.jpg Read What's On in the News291 viewsLook what I found, almost same time of year. RIP JR4 commentsKUS03/26/17 at 09:02Spike: Classic!!!!!!
Nico_SurfingKalama.jpg Nico Surfing Kalama Beach Park.137 views3 commentsTsawwassen03/25/17 at 20:28KUS: Very Happy
Read_Watson_Oakbay_Willows.jpg Read What's On in the News291 viewsLook what I found, almost same time of year. RIP JR4 commentsKUS03/25/17 at 08:43more force 4: If this is 98 that must be about the time they bot...
Read_Watson_Oakbay_Willows.jpg Read What's On in the News291 viewsLook what I found, almost same time of year. RIP JR4 commentsKUS03/24/17 at 09:09KUS: Dougwick: "I sailed with JR. Who was Grant W...
Nico_SurfingKalama.jpg Nico Surfing Kalama Beach Park.137 views3 commentsTsawwassen03/23/17 at 00:09Tsawwassen: thanks Dave she was killin it Cool that's all ...
Nico_SurfingKalama.jpg Nico Surfing Kalama Beach Park.137 views3 commentsTsawwassen03/20/17 at 16:50downwind dave: that's some good style right there.
wavesamplemarch15.jpg 116 views1 commentsTsawwassen03/16/17 at 12:55KUS: Maaaagic Sad You lucky fella
BackLoopCrash.jpg Airtime191 views3 commentsTsawwassen12/11/16 at 02:12ozy: :Outer Spaaaaace -D
DSCF5441.JPG jesse at chestermans194 viewshad some fun with the fins and a camera today at chestermans. got some sick video of this but will have to shoot more to put together an edit5 commentsbamfieldave12/04/16 at 20:36redbaron: Soooo much fun!
BackLoopCrash.jpg Airtime191 views3 commentsTsawwassen12/04/16 at 20:35redbaron: Shocked
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