Blueback Beach (3)121 viewsAug 17th 1 commentsPat Beaton11/28/24 at 08:05west coast: fantastic location on the right tide and day.
104 views25 photos in full album commentsTristanD10/06/24 at 07:59sixlinewrasse: Glad he had his helmet on!
104 views25 photos in full album commentsTristanD10/06/24 at 07:29KUS: Darwin Award Club magazine, but I guess we’ve all ...
104 views25 photos in full album commentsTristanD10/03/24 at 15:15west coast: Should be a magazine cover
Adrian heading out for a winter session124 views1 commentsdavey_k10/01/24 at 13:36KUS: Looks great couldn’t do it now I bet, tough p...
Mr Frang airing over the section (landed it)434 views3 commentswinddoctor06/28/24 at 10:07gnarf: That was such a fun board! I just found it recentl...
Mr Frang airing over the section (landed it)434 views3 commentswinddoctor06/27/24 at 19:28TunaCan: Rad.
lum184 views2 commentsjuandesooka10/28/23 at 12:30gnarf: President of the WCFA
Emmanuelle revelling in the wind rain and sun298 viewsDec 28, 2018 Clover Point, Victoria1 commentsSnarfer09/08/23 at 06:43west coast: fantastic moment.
Creative Johnny791 views2 commentsGareth08/15/23 at 18:33KUS: Miss ya dood
Superdave I.V. Dec 23323 viewsOnly half way thru..... but I just had to upload this one now. 5 commentssnapper30007/08/23 at 10:45more force 4: must be 2010 from 1st comment time stamps
Superdave I.V. Dec 23323 viewsOnly half way thru..... but I just had to upload this one now. 5 commentssnapper30007/06/23 at 10:39west coast: What year?
Stormy Monday at Clover Point101 views2 commentswjlavery04/09/22 at 10:46CTK: Light wind Larry
Stormy Monday at Clover Point101 views2 commentswjlavery04/06/22 at 10:02wjlavery: Anyone know who this is? I have a few other photo...
Nanmoo trolling315 views3 commentsjuandesooka06/07/21 at 20:07juandesooka: Juan de Fuca west of sooke
Nanmoo trolling315 views3 commentsjuandesooka06/07/21 at 13:05GoJoeGuy: where was this one taken? crazy
Nanmoo trolling315 views3 commentsjuandesooka06/07/21 at 06:25juandesooka: photo credit graniadesooka
Would you wear a leach on the foil board169 viewsPepe Krause is enjoying the airtime at Alta Lake with his Stinger Foil Gear.1 commentsStephan04/20/21 at 11:44juandesooka: Nailed the kick flip landing
124 views1 commentsIschurz01/31/21 at 13:32icurumba: Great shot!!
131 views1 commentsIschurz01/30/21 at 14:10Ischurz: A little slo Mo
Covid Restrictions at Gordon’s 161 views Nanmoo crapped at the launch one too many times. 2 commentsgnarf01/19/21 at 10:33HiyoSilver: Where is this exactly!??
Covid Restrictions at Gordon’s 161 views Nanmoo crapped at the launch one too many times. 2 commentsgnarf01/18/21 at 09:13JL: