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IMGP5435_4000x3000.JPG 385 views4 commentsMartyD01/22/13 at 21:24Randy: Jesus Marty Shocked
IMGP5429_4000x3000.JPG 349 views5 commentsMartyD01/21/13 at 10:37KUS: Neutral oh man, glad u got in & didn't affect the...
IMGP5429_4000x3000.JPG 349 views5 commentsMartyD01/20/13 at 20:24MartyD: Number 3 actually Razz The doc knew what it was even...
IMGP5429_4000x3000.JPG 349 views5 commentsMartyD01/20/13 at 19:29Fluffy: Your number 2 this season for fractured femurs OUC...
IMGP5429_4000x3000.JPG 349 views5 commentsMartyD01/20/13 at 19:21nanmoo: man I do not envy how the flight home is going to ...
IMGP5429_4000x3000.JPG 349 views5 commentsMartyD01/20/13 at 15:32abetanzo: thats a gooder
IMG_1763Jeffgusts40kmCookJan7.jpg 240 views1 commentsogopogo01/12/13 at 18:26Cj: bare feet January? hard core
zx-PC250500_1_2_dxo.jpg 211 viewsYou've probably seen the un-processed version. I like this one so I worked it and uploaded it.2 commentsflashtestdummy01/09/13 at 09:17Sandy Beach: wow, an amazing photo!!Smile Mountains and wild waves...
zx-PC250500_1_2_dxo.jpg 211 viewsYou've probably seen the un-processed version. I like this one so I worked it and uploaded it.2 commentsflashtestdummy01/08/13 at 11:14JL: Mid frame is that a windsurfer in the air ? Great ...
PC250430_DxO-X3.jpg Up and over!252 viewsThere ya go KUS!3 commentsMartyD12/31/12 at 10:27KUS: Very Happy Very cool. Glad about the mega clearance, kil...
xPC150227-tm-jpg.jpg Dec 15, 80 km gusts and a guy on a kiteboard.214 viewsWith another wing and a rudder and he could have continued the flight.2 commentsflashtestdummy12/28/12 at 22:11shaggy: I'm stoked to get in the Kite Jumps photo for...
PC250430_DxO-X3.jpg Up and over!252 viewsThere ya go KUS!3 commentsMartyD12/28/12 at 20:38flashtestdummy: Marty, I am concerned you might drift into US airs...
xPC150227-tm-jpg.jpg Dec 15, 80 km gusts and a guy on a kiteboard.214 viewsWith another wing and a rudder and he could have continued the flight.2 commentsflashtestdummy12/25/12 at 12:21downwind dave: Shaggy on the 4.0 Cool Naish 70 is pretty small b...
141654DSC03592-L5B15D.jpg Kiting to the Pot of Gold171 viewsIslandview 12-11-203 commentssnapper30012/25/12 at 11:25flashtestdummy: Wow, you sure don't see that every day!
MauiWave2.jpg 140 views1 commentsMartyD11/28/12 at 07:59Snarfer: Awesome shot.
Mauiwave9.jpg 169 views1 commentsMartyD11/22/12 at 15:12JL: Nice ride. Did A.C. teach you that knot Question
141654DSC03592-L5B15D.jpg Kiting to the Pot of Gold171 viewsIslandview 12-11-203 commentssnapper30011/22/12 at 11:05Sandy Beach: incredibly colourful Exclamation
Mauiwave11.jpg 221 viewsAbout to lose it1 commentsMartyD11/22/12 at 11:04Sandy Beach: woah, great shots from the kitecam, MartyD!!Smile
Zak_Nov_112C12_011cropped.jpg Clover Pt. on the S.E.170 viewsKirk1 commentsSpike11/21/12 at 21:59MartyD: Nice air bro! Shocked
141654DSC03592-L5B15D.jpg Kiting to the Pot of Gold171 viewsIslandview 12-11-203 commentssnapper30011/21/12 at 21:53MartyD: Great Shot!
Kus_Nov_112C12_003cropped.jpg Kus129 views1 commentsSpike11/11/12 at 20:20KUS: Razz well, it DID improve vastly over that early su...
123243DSC00874-XL.jpg 2012-10-19 Cook Nooner162 views1 commentssnapper30010/19/12 at 20:32Sandy Beach: WOW, BA, is that you with all that air under you!!...
Ross_Bay.jpg Arial view of Ross Bay384 views2 commentsMartyD10/08/12 at 20:03Sandy Beach: captain MartyD is cleared for take off Very Happy Cool C...
Ross_Bay.jpg Arial view of Ross Bay384 views2 commentsMartyD10/07/12 at 07:31more force 4: So thats what it looks like from up there Laughing C...
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