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Last comments - Kiteboarding
AC_Flying.jpg AC flying high234 views1 commentsMartyD10/05/12 at 11:24Kite Kook: nice!
parking_lot.jpg Another shot of the cars in the lot!191 views1 commentsMartyD10/05/12 at 08:56MartyD: Can see Spikes Camper
parkinglot2.jpg The Parking Lot!205 views1 commentsMartyD10/05/12 at 08:42Obsessioned: Gettin' high with your buddies after work 8-...
IMG_1134.jpg 86 views2 commentsrvanderbyl10/02/12 at 08:01smartang: Oh baby, the new 13m fuel. I say God Damn! That&#...
IMG_1134.jpg 86 views2 commentsrvanderbyl10/01/12 at 19:52eastside: Last light kite. Waves building for tomorrow morn...
_MG_3690s~0.jpg "construction crasher"304 viewsrepresenting the island over in Squamish - freestyle win (kite-o-ween) - photo credit Jim Hegan3 commentsGlobe09/26/12 at 12:40AC: Nice work belt , Good thing you don't have a ...
_MG_3690s~0.jpg "construction crasher"304 viewsrepresenting the island over in Squamish - freestyle win (kite-o-ween) - photo credit Jim Hegan3 commentsGlobe09/25/12 at 20:02Sandy Beach: 'men at work' Cool way to represent the...
Larry.JPG Leaping Larry228 viewsLarry Jumping the Breakwater
Victoria BC
1 commentsWindePendanT09/13/12 at 19:11AC: hahaha
DSC_2008.JPG Cook St246 views4 commentsTed Ardley09/01/12 at 10:24Obsessioned: NED FACE
185312DSC03278-L.jpg Cook - Aug 23- 12164 views1 commentssnapper30008/29/12 at 09:36Sandy Beach: Ned, as the OR rep, you're right on the money...
Nitinaht_Falls_-_Medium.jpg Nitinaht Falls195 viewsEmmanuelle and Catherine getting the salt water off1 commentsSnarfer08/27/12 at 17:41DaveC: Looks beautiful, How do I get there?
DSC_2617-001.JPG Cook St139 viewsJust google my name Ted Ardley for more on Flickr1 commentsTed Ardley08/25/12 at 11:30Bones: looking good Sam my man !
DSC_2008.JPG Cook St246 views4 commentsTed Ardley08/24/12 at 10:13OtLunch: Classic Ned.
DSC_2135.JPG Cook St185 views1 commentsTed Ardley08/24/12 at 06:11Ted Ardley: I'm number one! Laughing Actually his hand is ju...
DSC_2008.JPG Cook St246 views4 commentsTed Ardley08/23/12 at 23:15skywalker: no that's AC on the beach and Ned is inciting...
DSC_2008.JPG Cook St246 views4 commentsTed Ardley08/23/12 at 19:33AC: I think he is eating a granola bar"Smile
5-1.JPG Cook St Aug,21st/12166 viewsmore soon at http://www.flickr.com/photos/tardley/1 commentsTed Ardley08/21/12 at 20:11skywalker: UNKOOKING!
2012-07-28_20_24_48.jpg I lub my Dad.222 viewsOR Party Nitinat1 commentsSnarfer08/18/12 at 08:00thankgodiatepastafobreaky: dog-hand job
Skippers_Meeting_Attendees.JPG Skippers Meeting for Royal Victoria Kiteboard Race taken August 7 2012219 views1 commentsSnarfer08/18/12 at 07:57thankgodiatepastafobreaky: hurry the wind is up at cook st!
2012-08-09_18_53_02.jpg 190 views2012 RVYC OR Strong Kiteboard Race 9Aug121 commentsSnarfer08/14/12 at 07:05JL: Top secret vintage G.Mac. race board & fresh lungs...
DSC_0639.JPG Cook St Race Day220 views1 commentsTed Ardley08/11/12 at 07:53snapper300: Great candid. Cheers
DSC_0404-001.JPG Cook St Race Day266 views1 commentsTed Ardley08/09/12 at 22:06skywalker: herding cats
DSC_0499-002.JPG Cook St Race Day247 views1 commentsTed Ardley08/09/12 at 22:05skywalker: Wink well done GRAY!!
DSC_8868.JPG Cook St.163 views2 commentsTed Ardley08/08/12 at 10:30Ted Ardley: Thanks glad you guys enjoy them.
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