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Last comments - Kiteboarding
DSC_8868.JPG Cook St.163 views2 commentsTed Ardley08/08/12 at 08:11Randy: Good shot Ted Laughing
DSC_7140.JPG Cook St144 views1 commentsTed Ardley08/01/12 at 10:23cguygo: Gorilla's got fangs Shocked
2012-07-27_20_02_13.jpg Relaxing in the 'Tub286 viewsNitinat1 commentsSnarfer07/30/12 at 15:13JL: Is that Guy peeing Question
2012-07-29_09_14_52.jpg The wrong message ....197 viewsNitinat1 commentsSnarfer07/30/12 at 13:44OtLunch: new windsurfing school?
130335DSC08279-L.jpg Cook St. June 17, 2012167 views2 commentssnapper30006/21/12 at 16:10Obsessioned: Thanks bud! F*ck Cancer! LAST CHEMO TOMORROW!!!
130335DSC08279-L.jpg Cook St. June 17, 2012167 views2 commentssnapper30006/18/12 at 18:49cguygo: toughest kiter on our beach!! Nice work Steven :!...
i-64KN2Fq-XL5B15D.jpg 2012-06-09 Cook149 views1 commentssnapper30006/17/12 at 16:55MartyD: Nice Shot!
Pat_Bay_Sand.jpg Pat Bay148 viewsInstalling sandy beach as per kiters request.3 commentsChris06/08/12 at 16:21Chris: Cool I hear they are doing the same thing at Nitina...
Pat_Bay_Sand.jpg Pat Bay148 viewsInstalling sandy beach as per kiters request.3 commentsChris06/08/12 at 15:02JL: First Nations only Crying or Very sad
Pat_Bay_Sand.jpg Pat Bay148 viewsInstalling sandy beach as per kiters request.3 commentsChris06/08/12 at 12:49abetanzo: wow! thats awesome!
IMG_1408KBthumbsup.jpg 153 views1 commentsogopogo06/07/12 at 05:57MartyD: Hey! Take a hike buddy!
streamimage_php~21.jpg The pond121 viewsLow tide 2 commentsJL06/06/12 at 20:45Sandy Beach: Holy pond!! Thx for posting. Could be Island View ...
streamimage_php~21.jpg The pond121 viewsLow tide 2 commentsJL06/06/12 at 20:33KUS: Cool, wonder what that will look like tomorrow at ...
Nitinaht_Unmanned_Kite_Salvage.JPG 149 views1 commentsjellyfish05/31/12 at 14:55MartyD: Good man! I looked for 15 mins around the fish far...
gordogang.jpg Gordo's Happy Smiley People272 viewspasta, sandy b, rod, kevin1 commentsthankgodiatepastafobreaky05/13/12 at 09:06Sandy Beach: apres windy beach, rosy cheek session. Fun times!!...
IMG_1556_2.jpg 153 views1 commentsabetanzo05/09/12 at 14:52JL: Crowded Confused
IMG_1482_2.jpg 115 views1 commentsabetanzo05/07/12 at 22:59abetanzo: is that a mako?
IMG_1474_2.jpg 109 views1 commentsabetanzo05/04/12 at 23:05abetanzo: My fav of the day
IMG_1487_2.jpg 187 views1 commentsabetanzo05/04/12 at 08:01Sandy Beach: High five Cool Fantastic photo Very Happy
130104DSC05996-XL.jpg 2012-03-03 Cook119 views1 commentssnapper30004/29/12 at 08:49KUS: That good day seems so long ago Confused
i-M9pX9mS-L.jpg 2012-02-25 Cook168 views2 commentssnapper30004/27/12 at 16:41Wingnut: Purse Razz
ax-P3039009.jpg 2012-Apr-26-Thu-1 flashtestdummy.com135 views1 commentsflashtestdummy04/27/12 at 07:15KUS: That kite jumped right out of the frame Shocked
ax-P3039010.jpg 2012-Apr-26-3 flashtestdummy.com88 views1 commentsflashtestdummy04/27/12 at 07:07Wingnut: hey - who's that on my gear? I was at work th...
121716DSC00883-L5B15D.jpg Superdave slash - I.V. 2012-04-02199 views1 commentssnapper30004/07/12 at 06:06dougwick: skin coloured boots! or just skin
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