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Last comments - Kiteboarding
IMG_2368.jpg Jordan River238 views1 commentsmissvixen01/12/12 at 16:11more force 4: great spray lighting (and light in the background)...
IMG_2333.jpg Jordan River197 views4 commentsmissvixen01/11/12 at 11:43KUS: So...where is this place? Nice wave, hmmmm, summe...
IMG_2342.jpg Jordan River166 views3 commentsmissvixen01/11/12 at 11:42KUS: Uh oh Exclamation
IMG_0377.JPG 112 viewsdec 30 '111 commentscguygo12/31/11 at 08:56Sandy Beach: weather warning in effect....aka, get your a$& in ...
121540DSC00024-L.jpg 268 views5 commentssnapper30012/30/11 at 17:44AC: too funny:)
_MG_5787.jpg BWD Movie night @ RVYC265 views2 commentsskywalker12/07/11 at 11:18C36: Cool Great to see! Very Happy I hope it looks even better ...
_MG_5787.jpg BWD Movie night @ RVYC265 views2 commentsskywalker12/06/11 at 21:53KUS: check the sail sticker, C36!! Cool
i-kXCjFfn-L.jpg snapper300 pic - I.V. 11-24-1164 views1 commentssnapper30011/27/11 at 15:36nanmoo: put a hat on kook! Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
121540DSC00024-L.jpg 268 views5 commentssnapper30011/26/11 at 19:09bwd: Laughing
121540DSC00024-L.jpg 268 views5 commentssnapper30011/26/11 at 19:05~~~~~4j~~: BWD, when you get a chance the IV webcam needs a w...
IMG-20111116-00095.jpg I was pretty windy today...393 views7 commentsMartyD11/26/11 at 18:29winddoctor: Oops, looks like a burned out pixel way up at the ...
121540DSC00024-L.jpg 268 views5 commentssnapper30011/26/11 at 18:23snapper300: Yep. Dave got pummelled on this one. (The shot r...
121540DSC00024-L.jpg 268 views5 commentssnapper30011/26/11 at 18:14bwd: Haha nice!
i-qk989hd-L.jpg snapper300 pic - I.V. 11-24-11173 views1 commentssnapper30011/26/11 at 08:29240: Karma is a bitch sometimes!! That 6" of water...
i-nJPvZWr-L.jpg snapper300 pic - I.V. 11-24-1173 views1 commentssnapper30011/25/11 at 20:58snapper300: I think this one is my fave of the day. I can alw...
i-fcccVJD-L.jpg snapper300 pic - I.V. 11-24-11178 views1 commentssnapper30011/25/11 at 19:06AC: Money SHot, Rippen Mardave
IMG-20111116-00095.jpg I was pretty windy today...393 views7 commentsMartyD11/21/11 at 13:08AC: is that a bird? or a plane? Ohh its just S marty P...
IMG-20111116-00095.jpg I was pretty windy today...393 views7 commentsMartyD11/18/11 at 07:35MartyD: Booked me a return ticket Razz That was actually ...
IMG-20111116-00095.jpg I was pretty windy today...393 views7 commentsMartyD11/17/11 at 23:32240: How was the landing? Did Dwane send you money to ...
IMG-20111116-00095.jpg I was pretty windy today...393 views7 commentsMartyD11/17/11 at 16:58Cj: who is that? Marty? get the heck out of town. That...
IMG-20111116-00095.jpg I was pretty windy today...393 views7 commentsMartyD11/17/11 at 11:24Teabag: Have you seen the jogger path?
20111111-DSC08220-L.jpg Cook St. 11-11-11146 views1 commentssnapper30011/14/11 at 21:52Mike D: Back to the future hover board!
20111111-DSC08983-L.jpg Cook St. 11-11-1176 views1 commentssnapper30011/12/11 at 07:03~~~~~4j~~: I love the combined watersport action and intensit...
SC_20111111_001.jpg South Chesterman Beach, November 11, 201193 viewsParadise1 comments~~~~~4j~~11/11/11 at 17:27Sandy Beach: great post, thx for sharing! Crazy weather day aro...
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