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Last comments - Kiteboarding
1216391842_Fbhoe-L5B15D.jpg I.V. Mar 13199 views1 commentssnapper30010/17/11 at 18:43GWIND: Is that strapless? Like my bra.
IMG_5442KBpump2.jpg 151 views1 commentsogopogo09/09/11 at 16:57skywalker: yo! thanks for the shot
IMG_5335Jeff1.jpg 204 views1 commentsogopogo09/05/11 at 18:51Cj: hahaha . Is that some kind of american cig?
IMG_3549RyansnappedJan12.jpg 276 views2 commentsogopogo08/21/11 at 20:39cguygo: wait a sec... how many times has this happened to ...
IMG_7936x-1.jpg my money shot off kook st254 views4 commentscguygo08/06/11 at 14:18cguygo: i should give photo cred to Robert Gudmundsen. Ra...
IMG_7936x-1.jpg my money shot off kook st254 views4 commentscguygo08/05/11 at 22:16Sandy Beach: Fully enjoying the layers of nature's element...
IMG_7936x-1.jpg my money shot off kook st254 views4 commentscguygo08/05/11 at 16:33JL: & from a bicycle !!! Razz
IMG_7936x-1.jpg my money shot off kook st254 views4 commentscguygo08/05/11 at 14:42KUS: wow, pretty great photo, love it Exclamation Nice full ca...
IMG_7804transport.jpg 155 views1 commentsogopogo08/01/11 at 10:26KUS: hey wow, that's pretty tricky Shocked or u ha...
IMG_0231.jpg Phiilet 5'4" of wave shredding phat163 views1 commentsKayakDoc07/31/11 at 17:25Cj: Can I order one with a build in dishwasher and win...
IMG_9218Steven.jpg 240 views1 commentsogopogo07/21/11 at 20:45winddoctor: Totally realistic looking marionette!
IMG_0211.jpg Kayakdoc Carbon Thruster switched to FCS FK2 Twinny.117 viewsFhat Fhins Pheel Phriking PHANTASTIC. 1 commentsKayakDoc07/21/11 at 12:33JL: Looks like Phun Phill Cool
Nicole.jpg Nicole1695 views1 commentswinddoctor07/13/11 at 11:37cardinaljumps: Great photo !! Almost professional like Very Happy
DSC_0212.JPG 227 views1 commentsicurumba07/05/11 at 22:12coastalsoul: Very Happy
IMG_9123jumpApr21.jpg 235 views1 commentsogopogo07/05/11 at 22:11coastalsoul: wicked board off Cool
xQ0002861-fm.jpg Rod from Vancouver, I think.173 viewsI should change my website from flashtestdummy.com to burnvictim.com if I ever shoot that long without sun screen again. All photos from last week (up to Sun Jul 3) are being uploaded now. (Mon 18:15)1 commentsflashtestdummy07/05/11 at 22:09coastalsoul: thanx Flashtest! great shot. can u post the railey...
230506_10150252021321998_704241997_9030240_6741267_n.jpg 283 views1 commentsMartyD06/26/11 at 15:38AC: Get back to work u Bum:) Exclamation
250225_10150252027246998_704241997_9030309_6723222_n.jpg 258 views2 commentsMartyD05/24/11 at 19:10KUS: Sure he didn't get snagged by Harbour Air :sh...
250225_10150252027246998_704241997_9030309_6723222_n.jpg 258 views2 commentsMartyD05/22/11 at 14:27Cj: sick kiteloop over the mountain! That's me th...
Picture 084.jpg 3115 views3 commentsAC04/22/11 at 19:27kitesick: What can I say but my son enjoys eating dirty rock...
1250923925_oXeqy-L.jpg Rueben - Cook St. - April 11-2011170 views1 commentssnapper30004/14/11 at 09:54JL: Flash Cool
1189506951_FQbjz-L.jpg CJ @ Island View, Feb 15 - 2011233 views4 commentssnapper30003/31/11 at 13:48Cj: He just means my board should be a Ocean Rodeo . T...
SDC11600.JPG 168 viewsGotta a big hole in your super forecast? Try giving these guys a call..Dial 1-888-blow-me3 commentsSMACK03/30/11 at 17:43KUS: shouldda guessed Euro by the van brand and tire si...
SDC11600.JPG 168 viewsGotta a big hole in your super forecast? Try giving these guys a call..Dial 1-888-blow-me3 commentsSMACK03/30/11 at 13:33SMACK: Ijmuiden, The Netherlands .....Kus
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