235 views1 commentsogopogo07/05/11 at 22:11coastalsoul: wicked board off
Rod from Vancouver, I think.173 viewsI should change my website from flashtestdummy.com to burnvictim.com if I ever shoot that long without sun screen again. All photos from last week (up to Sun Jul 3) are being uploaded now. (Mon 18:15)1 commentsflashtestdummy07/05/11 at 22:09coastalsoul: thanx Flashtest! great shot. can u post the railey...
283 views1 commentsMartyD06/26/11 at 15:38AC: Get back to work u Bum:)
258 views2 commentsMartyD05/24/11 at 19:10KUS: Sure he didn't get snagged by Harbour Air :sh...
258 views2 commentsMartyD05/22/11 at 14:27Cj: sick kiteloop over the mountain! That's me th...
3115 views3 commentsAC04/22/11 at 19:27kitesick: What can I say but my son enjoys eating dirty rock...
Rueben - Cook St. - April 11-2011170 views1 commentssnapper30004/14/11 at 09:54JL: Flash
CJ @ Island View, Feb 15 - 2011233 views4 commentssnapper30003/31/11 at 13:48Cj: He just means my board should be a Ocean Rodeo . T...
168 viewsGotta a big hole in your super forecast? Try giving these guys a call..Dial 1-888-blow-me3 commentsSMACK03/30/11 at 17:43KUS: shouldda guessed Euro by the van brand and tire si...
168 viewsGotta a big hole in your super forecast? Try giving these guys a call..Dial 1-888-blow-me3 commentsSMACK03/30/11 at 13:33SMACK: Ijmuiden, The Netherlands .....Kus