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Last comments - Kiteboarding
IMG_0695.jpg 335 views2 commentscolin07/04/10 at 20:00JAMES HIHO: what is the connection between guns and kites ?
IMG_0696.jpg 311 views1 commentscolin07/04/10 at 20:00JAMES HIHO: what is the connection between guns and kites ?
Snapshot_2010-06-28_18-25-02.jpg 390 views2 commentscolin07/04/10 at 19:59JAMES HIHO: what is the connection between guns and kites ?
wind_wave_1.jpg 505 viewstaste of heaven1 commentsAC06/30/10 at 18:11Nimpkish-Bill: or hell
725698762_AQDgw-L.jpg Superdave - Cook st. Nov/091594 views1 commentssnapper30006/27/10 at 09:33Kite Kook: who can look at this and NOT want to kitesurf? :sh...
Cook_April_8_2010_24.JPG 203 views1 commentsCrow06/16/10 at 22:38snapper300: Great shot. Love it.
Cook_April_8_2010_13.JPG 192 views1 commentsCrow06/16/10 at 22:37snapper300: Awesome shot.
900612903_SfMii-L.jpg Superdave, Cook st., June 13192 views1 commentssnapper30006/15/10 at 09:22karmative.com: Solid pics bro Cool
900539849_87y9v-L.jpg Superdave, Cook st., June 13270 views2 commentssnapper30006/14/10 at 12:10KUS: nice catch Razz
900764262_U2hXi-L.jpg Adam - Cook St., June 13206 views2 commentssnapper30006/14/10 at 11:21snapper300: Thanks for filling in the name Dave. Now updated.
900764262_U2hXi-L.jpg Adam - Cook St., June 13206 views2 commentssnapper30006/14/10 at 09:49superdave: Adam - he hasn't been out much lately but is g...
900652907_HQNiU-L.jpg Jordan, Cook St., June 13165 views1 commentssnapper30006/14/10 at 08:11JL: Warming his feet Razz
_DSC4091.jpg From Dallas Rd 2008Oct02216 views2 commentsRandy06/11/10 at 10:35thankgodiatepastafobreaky: truly awesome shot!!
073.JPG oops275 views2 commentsNimpkish-Bill06/10/10 at 15:09Penguin: it survived and had a good session afterwards. Surprisedo...
IMG_7791Halleyfriend.jpg 298 views2 commentsogopogo06/08/10 at 20:39Sandy Beach: ok honey, I know I missed dinner...just one more s...
IMG_7629puppylove.jpg 228 views1 commentsogopogo06/08/10 at 11:43JL: You don't get the dog back until you give me a...
073.JPG oops275 views2 commentsNimpkish-Bill06/05/10 at 13:05seabilly: Shocked
890291448_ZbrMR-L.jpg Scotty - Cook St. - June 4/2010291 views1 commentssnapper30006/05/10 at 09:31thankgodiatepastafobreaky: whoa Surprised
001~0.JPG cook202 views1 commentsNimpkish-Bill06/05/10 at 08:42thankgodiatepastafobreaky: new kite powered Coast Guard boat?? Shocked
877459601_xXASJ-XL.jpg Ba406 viewsIV May 236 commentssnapper30006/03/10 at 08:57BA: Next time I'll ask Uta to drive "my"...
877459601_xXASJ-XL.jpg Ba406 viewsIV May 236 commentssnapper30006/02/10 at 21:48JL: She did it again @ I.V. today ... Just struts up t...
P5301416small.JPG TEAM "V" LEADER & support - CF Walk 2010296 viewsRoyal Roads U2 commentsKUS06/01/10 at 18:42Kite Kook: Indeed! I will post another when I get the camera ...
877459601_xXASJ-XL.jpg Ba406 viewsIV May 236 commentssnapper30006/01/10 at 16:35KUS: even has the rasta hair thing going on Very Happy
877459601_xXASJ-XL.jpg Ba406 viewsIV May 236 commentssnapper30005/31/10 at 18:17Sandy Beach: Whaaat...seriously, JL??? This W.O.W. has had some...
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