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Last comments - Kiteboarding
IMG_0434gustKite.jpg 282 views4 commentsogopogo04/25/10 at 16:54GWIND: So how did that work out ?
DSC_0893.jpg 235 views1 commentskarmative.com04/12/10 at 14:05KUS: great frame Cool
20100408_CloverPt_0210.jpg 2010APR08 Dallas Rd133 viewsViewed from Clover Pt.1 commentsRandy04/09/10 at 08:04Crow: Paradise Cool Nice shot.
_DSC4091.jpg From Dallas Rd 2008Oct02216 views2 commentsRandy04/07/10 at 17:55Cj: Sweet!
_DSC3369.jpg Ogden Point90 views2007MAY271 commentsRandy04/06/10 at 15:54downwind dave: ugh, that kite is soooo like 3 years ago.
IMG_0243_(Small).JPG 221 views3 commentsChris04/03/10 at 09:14more force 4: more than a big, meaty square wave; maybe more of ...
IMG_0249_(Small).JPG 144 views1 commentsChris04/03/10 at 08:52more force 4: New definition for 'he was smokin'!'? ...
IMG_0243_(Small).JPG 221 views3 commentsChris04/02/10 at 21:36downwind dave: WHAT is going on in that wave!! Shocked
Sunset_Beach_141.JPG 132 views2 commentsskiendhiu04/02/10 at 18:36Sandy Beach: Where your little sister learned how to kiteboard....
IMG_0243_(Small).JPG 221 views3 commentsChris04/02/10 at 16:41winddoctor: GW, the original Hellman!
March26th_010.jpg MartyD185 views3 commentsNimpkish-Bill04/02/10 at 16:15MartyD: nice shot bill Razz
Sunset_Beach_141.JPG 132 views2 commentsskiendhiu04/01/10 at 16:25thankgodiatepastafobreaky: Where is this? Very Happy
March26th_010.jpg MartyD185 views3 commentsNimpkish-Bill03/27/10 at 15:27Sandy Beach: another hazard to watch for at Cook...waterlogged ...
march21_014.jpg AC209 views4 commentsNimpkish-Bill03/27/10 at 13:06winddoctor: He's wearing the proto OR 2011 tear-away nippl...
March26th_010.jpg MartyD185 views3 commentsNimpkish-Bill03/27/10 at 08:27nitnaht Pat: coool looks like he is gettin towed around by a li...
march21_014.jpg AC209 views4 commentsNimpkish-Bill03/27/10 at 08:25nitnaht Pat: wooohooooo
march21_154.jpg D's twin224 views1 commentsNimpkish-Bill03/27/10 at 08:10BK: Don't drop that board..!
march21_014.jpg AC209 views4 commentsNimpkish-Bill03/27/10 at 04:31kitesurferdale: r we promoting saftey?, dont see a harness .... sa...
march21_014.jpg AC209 views4 commentsNimpkish-Bill03/26/10 at 23:08colin: nice boots!
IMG_3092Phil.jpg 334 views2 commentsogopogo03/24/10 at 10:27KayakDoc: I’ll be signing autographs next wind day for $10.0...
EXP00284.jpg Island view beach Victoria.236 viewsThis guy got at least 50 feet of air.1 commentsrickthatcanadianguy03/24/10 at 08:17Mark: i remember that day....we were getting monster ai...
IMG_3092Phil.jpg 334 views2 commentsogopogo03/24/10 at 02:37SMACK: I did not know that Tom Cochrane was a kiter.........
thomas-66.jpg Westside Mexico325 views3 commentsToesideT03/23/10 at 10:15ToesideT: KK thats me dude! A photographer on the beach sent...
IMG_2924Marty.jpg 264 views1 commentsogopogo03/23/10 at 10:02Sandy Beach: days are getting warmer, Marty...less layers requi...
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