Island View240 views1 commentsSpike01/16/10 at 09:26KUS: never rains around these parts, visit windy Victor...
161 views1 commentsGlobe01/15/10 at 22:01Sandy Beach: Amazing perspective...I'm catching my breath.....
philippines383 viewsand again..3 commentsGlobe01/15/10 at 17:24Cj: ya dude, very cool. We can even tell how long the ...
philippines188 viewshandlepass1 commentsGlobe01/15/10 at 00:29Kite Kook: Wow! This is an amazing photo, seriously. Love the...
philippines212 viewskiteloooop1 commentsGlobe01/15/10 at 00:28Kite Kook: Incredible - love the sun and cloud...
philippines383 viewsand again..3 commentsGlobe01/15/10 at 00:27Kite Kook: Dude! That is awesome - and look at how high you a...
216 views2 commentsskiendhiu01/12/10 at 12:35Sandy Beach: Cool eh! This is exactly where were playing last y...
216 views2 commentsskiendhiu01/12/10 at 11:34more force 4: Hmmm, just wet sand under him and he still has pow...
170 views1 commentsskiendhiu01/10/10 at 15:31JL: Nice tan Kenny !!!
Dangerdane227 views2 commentsrookieRyan01/07/10 at 20:33colin: i think ross made that kite in his basement....
Cuba 1/1/10221 views2 commentsfoilboy01/05/10 at 07:57foilboy: should have had a helmut as he kept banging his he...
Cuba 1/1/10221 views2 commentsfoilboy01/04/10 at 17:35GWIND: Kid must have a hard head. Doesn't even need a...
358 viewsThis is 2 US coast guard officers proudly showing their last catch along the coast of Port-Angeles. My 11M waroo 09 !
3 commentspfillion12/29/09 at 14:38Snarfer: That's great and it was good to report it so t...
358 viewsThis is 2 US coast guard officers proudly showing their last catch along the coast of Port-Angeles. My 11M waroo 09 !
3 commentspfillion12/29/09 at 12:53nanmoo: they sure recruit them young on that side of the s...
264 views1 commentsAC12/28/09 at 20:56Sandy Beach: Interesting photo, AC. I've seen kiters retrie...
358 viewsThis is 2 US coast guard officers proudly showing their last catch along the coast of Port-Angeles. My 11M waroo 09 !
3 commentspfillion12/28/09 at 17:51Sandy Beach: Still looks crispy new...phew. Bet they want to le...
Kite Launch520 viewsKus helping out with a wet launch for Grant Dec. 6, 2009. Agate Beach6 commentsjellyfish12/26/09 at 00:59jellyfish: The seagull I trained, Mt. Baker is stationary so ...
366 views3 commentsogopogo12/23/09 at 20:00dangerdane: Wicked! You are hardcore!
Kite Launch520 viewsKus helping out with a wet launch for Grant Dec. 6, 2009. Agate Beach6 commentsjellyfish12/23/09 at 14:52more force 4: Wow, looking at the pic again, its fantastic; ever...
Kite Launch520 viewsKus helping out with a wet launch for Grant Dec. 6, 2009. Agate Beach6 commentsjellyfish12/11/09 at 14:09Sandy Beach: Kus, that was quite an impressive launch, consider...
Kite Launch520 viewsKus helping out with a wet launch for Grant Dec. 6, 2009. Agate Beach6 commentsjellyfish12/08/09 at 19:13KUS: Mr. Whats On?: "yeah, just swim that out a wa...
Getting ready for some extreme kiting!369 viewsCammie, Kus and Grant1 commentsjellyfish12/08/09 at 06:48JL: 'If this goes the way I'm thinkin' Kus...
Agate Dec. 6, 2009375 views1 commentsjellyfish12/08/09 at 06:46JL: Once you get into the -6 windchill it's all go...
Kite Launch520 viewsKus helping out with a wet launch for Grant Dec. 6, 2009. Agate Beach6 commentsjellyfish12/07/09 at 17:20more force 4: She was aiming for your hip, Kus