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IMG_8913BilltorescueSep23.jpg 362 views2 commentsogopogo09/24/09 at 10:53JL: Jet skis CAN be your friend Exclamation
branson.jpg 6245 views9 commentsAC09/23/09 at 22:21Kite Kook: so it's true, kiters ARE chick magnets... Surprised
branson.jpg 6245 views9 commentsAC09/23/09 at 11:22KUS: truly, how can u go kiting without your harness :r...
branson.jpg 6245 views9 commentsAC09/23/09 at 10:38downwind dave: obviously the poor woman is getting some shady kit...
branson.jpg 6245 views9 commentsAC09/22/09 at 21:43winddoctor: AAARGH! The Cameron Lake monster! Get her, um, off...
branson.jpg 6245 views9 commentsAC09/22/09 at 20:19AC: there u go DWD
IMG_7866itsupthere.jpg kite tree @ Cook St.230 views1 commentsJL09/20/09 at 18:47pfillion: ouch !
IMG_7749Davejump.jpg 255 views3 commentsogopogo09/19/09 at 22:52colin: SD is da bomb!
IMG_3168moonjellyfishBW.jpg 415 views1 commentsogopogo09/09/09 at 17:02KUS: anemic jellyfish Neutral
IMG_3807Cturn.jpg thanks ogopogo... had to post a few, you got some good ones. hope you don't mind I downloaded some.164 views1 commentsCj09/03/09 at 10:32ogopogo: lookin' good Mr. Speed! please do.
Gordonscam.jpg Jl in the fog?157 views2 commentsChris09/01/09 at 15:49pfillion: Some reported a UFO but now we know it wasn't ...
Kiteboarding_August_25_2009_015.JPG 102 views1 commentsbillman4u08/30/09 at 18:27ogopogo: great action shot of Ryan billman. i need a seadoo...
Gordonscam.jpg Jl in the fog?157 views2 commentsChris08/30/09 at 16:59KUS: in 2 knots, yeah I'll take two of those kites ...
IMG_9955RyanbikingtoCook.jpg 366 views3 commentsogopogo08/26/09 at 11:43KUS: LOVE IT, nice going Exclamation wish I could do that Surprisedo...
IMGP2949.JPG 326 views3 commentsMartyD08/13/09 at 10:58rookieRyan: Secret spot right Marty! Cool
IMG_9955RyanbikingtoCook.jpg 366 views3 commentsogopogo08/13/09 at 10:49rookieRyan: Awsome getting to the beach the green way! Cool
phpThumb_generated_thumbnailjpg.jpeg 2010 Mako- looks sweet!157 views1 commentsToesideT07/22/09 at 09:14kitesurferdale: Why oh why do we insist on colors that match the w...
IMG_2165.JPG 3806 views2 commentsAC07/20/09 at 19:08Galeltic: rooster tails was shadow ? Laughing
BCGrant.jpg 2274 views5 commentsTy107/20/09 at 19:06Galeltic: 100 mph? Wink
IMG_4751DaveroosterCookJuly18.JPG 167 views1 commentsogopogo07/20/09 at 19:05Galeltic: why u look back ? any shark try bite your tail s...
john_john_1.jpg Johnny Doo Bad733 viewsHere's an old one of Johnny with his favourite ,, Gorge Animal Bonser 7'6",,,,, still at cook ,,, that was his motorhome in the background to the right.. ,,taken about 1992, Island Sails was the name of his sail loft ,,, he had this board custom made in the Gorge with "Island" graphics on the bottom...that was when he lived on 10 mile point with Jose and Kevin.... long time ago... can see his logo on his motorhome door ,,, ,,, slim and trim in those days ,, 3 commentsBones07/19/09 at 21:39Joostio: great pic! Miss ya Johnny, I lived just down the s...
PC140014.JPG Todos Santos174 views1 commentsCj07/19/09 at 21:14Joostio: my mom and dad live there, nice town
img_1893_(Modified_(3)).jpg 174 views1 commentsJohnnyUtah07/19/09 at 19:09KUS: yep, that's some decent air Very Happy
P1010385.JPG Snapper at SP253 views Beauty summer SE at SP!3 commentsrvanderbyl07/13/09 at 13:52snapper: thanks eastside for dropping off my kite, sorry yo...
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