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P1010385.JPG Snapper at SP253 views Beauty summer SE at SP!3 commentsrvanderbyl07/13/09 at 12:58KUS: you were having fun times at Gordo's with us i...
P1010385.JPG Snapper at SP253 views Beauty summer SE at SP!3 commentsrvanderbyl07/13/09 at 07:36eastside: Gee..what was I doing yesterday Crying or Very sad
IMG_1198.JPG 625 views1 commentsPoohbear06/13/09 at 21:02Kite Kook: Cool shot!
IMG_1087.JPG 311 views3 commentsPoohbear06/13/09 at 11:31Poohbear: Beechey head area
IMG_1087.JPG 311 views3 commentsPoohbear06/12/09 at 19:52KUS: somewhere where there's one tourist whale boat...
IMG_1087.JPG 311 views3 commentsPoohbear06/12/09 at 19:01colin: Where is this taken?
IMGP2949.JPG 326 views3 commentsMartyD06/09/09 at 19:24thankgodiatepastafobreaky: sweeet - yea where is it??
IMGP2949.JPG 326 views3 commentsMartyD05/04/09 at 12:30windwavegal: can you tell me where this is?
B-days_at_Island_View_Mar08_040_(Small).jpg 391 views4 commentsGrant Watson05/04/09 at 12:29windwavegal: Shocked
slash-logo.jpg New Ocean Rodeo Surfboard- sweet ride415 views2 commentsToesideT04/14/09 at 21:40winddoctor: I believe that's Elk Lake, Mr. Kook.
slash-logo.jpg New Ocean Rodeo Surfboard- sweet ride415 views2 commentsToesideT04/14/09 at 11:48Kite Kook: nice! i see you got out at esq. lagoon again!
B-days_at_Island_View_Mar08_040_(Small).jpg 391 views4 commentsGrant Watson03/31/09 at 21:03JL: Their album will be released shortly. Cool
DSC_0600.JPG 239 views2 commentsBA03/31/09 at 19:05JL: Posers !!! Cool
DSC_0600.JPG 239 views2 commentsBA03/31/09 at 18:07Sandy Beach: Awesome shot, Betty Ann!
DSC_0580.JPG 283 views1 commentsBA03/31/09 at 16:30Cj: Nice. " jib the boat"
B-days_at_Island_View_Mar08_040_(Small).jpg 391 views4 commentsGrant Watson03/30/09 at 23:36Kite Kook: typical 50 year old - hitting on the young chicks!
B-days_at_Island_View_Mar08_040_(Small).jpg 391 views4 commentsGrant Watson03/30/09 at 19:41bwd: ooooh what a couple of hotties
IMGP2940.JPG 216 views1 commentsMartyD03/23/09 at 08:45MartyD: Photograph is Ilsa blanca north of cancun and was ...
Oct__1986_Windsurf_mag024.jpg Wind Surf Magazine Oct. 1986175 viewsThis article was in the "Did you know!" section of the mag. 1 commentsrvanderbyl03/08/09 at 18:30more force 4: I wonder if thats Bruno or Dominique Legaignoux w...
P2157402.JPG Upwind of Taylor access, note the glass in front of the gust246 views3 commentsKUS02/19/09 at 09:21Snarfer: What are the favoured winds here?
P2157412.JPG Walk of Shame, nice beach tho and marvelous scenery :)201 views3 commentsKUS02/16/09 at 19:57downwind dave: just that the inmates at william head (in the dist...
P2157412.JPG Walk of Shame, nice beach tho and marvelous scenery :)201 views3 commentsKUS02/16/09 at 18:24rookieRyan: What does he mean by that?
P2157418.JPG Taylor - here ya go JL201 viewsVast 6' grassy rigging area beside barbwire fence :) The farmer next door only has 400 acres of grassland there, nice pad too.
Nice & warm here, parking for 8, then along the road. Place was full today.
2 commentsKUS02/16/09 at 15:25KUS: LOL, none I noticed and I saw people picking up wi...
P2157402.JPG Upwind of Taylor access, note the glass in front of the gust246 views3 commentsKUS02/16/09 at 15:25KUS: well, yes, in Haro but here it turned into more of...
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