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Last comments - Kiteboarding
P2157404.JPG Ryan, the good Samaritan333 viewsI was admonished for laughing :@4 commentsKUS02/15/09 at 21:15more force 4: Must be catching; there was a kite trying to smoth...
P2157404.JPG Ryan, the good Samaritan333 viewsI was admonished for laughing :@4 commentsKUS02/15/09 at 21:03downwind dave: doesnt look too offshore to me! Razz
P2157418.JPG Taylor - here ya go JL201 viewsVast 6' grassy rigging area beside barbwire fence :) The farmer next door only has 400 acres of grassland there, nice pad too.
Nice & warm here, parking for 8, then along the road. Place was full today.
2 commentsKUS02/15/09 at 20:58downwind dave: hows the dog poop factor. x turds per sq. m.
P2157402.JPG Upwind of Taylor access, note the glass in front of the gust246 views3 commentsKUS02/15/09 at 20:55downwind dave: this was a NNE?
P2157404.JPG Ryan, the good Samaritan333 viewsI was admonished for laughing :@4 commentsKUS02/15/09 at 18:20GWIND: That is a cool move, how do they do that ?
P2157404.JPG Ryan, the good Samaritan333 viewsI was admonished for laughing :@4 commentsKUS02/15/09 at 18:03rookieRyan: Thats not my kite Exclamation lol
P2157412.JPG Walk of Shame, nice beach tho and marvelous scenery :)201 views3 commentsKUS02/15/09 at 17:39KUS: RainX pointed out you could be the Belle of the Ba...
soul_kite9.jpg 227 views1 commentsPoohbear02/10/09 at 17:28rookieRyan: Awsome pics Andrew Exclamation
wind_034.JPG grinnin...141 viewsit s all good!!1 commentsskiendhiu02/06/09 at 14:44Sandy Beach: These Dominican local guys are fearless, wild kite...
6-1-09_015.JPG kite beach Jan.6th 2009175 views1 commentsskiendhiu02/06/09 at 14:35Sandy Beach: This was my second day of upwind bodydragging with...
IMG_014798.jpg 331 views6 commentsGlobetrotter01/27/09 at 11:28extremekindness Erik: Alltime!That is an amazing photo!
1b.jpg 191 views1 commentsGlobetrotter01/12/09 at 06:26SMACK: Hell Ya! Surprised Very Happy
lakey_peak.jpg indo329 viewsBali1 commentsAC11/26/08 at 07:18Penguin: That is a scary wave!
P7100504.JPG Tsa Jetty Butter296 viewswish I had my kite with me :(2 commentsKUS11/17/08 at 13:15Tactile: Tsawwassen Ferry causeway on a NW Very Happy
IMG_0111.JPG 285 views2 commentsGlobetrotter11/17/08 at 09:18jellyfish: Supernatural kiteboarding ...... windsports in the...
IMG_014798.jpg 331 views6 commentsGlobetrotter11/06/08 at 08:33Globetrotter: yeah - its straight off shore there... epic sessio...
lightening_kiteboarder.jpg 397 viewstold ya2 commentsAC11/05/08 at 15:18Sandy Beach: is that photoshop too Shocked Dwayne, what a grea...
IMG_0111.JPG 285 views2 commentsGlobetrotter11/05/08 at 13:05SMACK: I like this one.
IMG_014798.jpg 331 views6 commentsGlobetrotter11/05/08 at 13:03SMACK: awe crap...you beat me to it.
IMG_014798.jpg 331 views6 commentsGlobetrotter11/05/08 at 08:49Cj: Is the wind offshore there? Comox Spit right? nice...
lightening_kiteboarder.jpg 397 viewstold ya2 commentsAC11/04/08 at 17:57chartsky: ahahahaha... nice one!
Dallas_Rd-Clover_Point-1108.jpg Sunset Rider615 viewsA perfect evening for Kiteboarding and photography. 2 commentschartsky11/03/08 at 15:38Sandy Beach: Frame that one...beautiful colours Smile
IMG_014798.jpg 331 views6 commentsGlobetrotter11/03/08 at 10:55wullis: This has photo of the week written all over it...
IMG_014798.jpg 331 views6 commentsGlobetrotter11/02/08 at 11:26JL: Crazy youth of today !!!
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