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P1450140_b-3762x2822.jpg Dallas Road - Sept 22nd101 viewsMy first go at kiteboarding pics. Shot with a Canon 100-400mm adapted to a Panasonic GX8. All manual focus.

@gwydionjhr on Instagram
2 commentsgwydionjhr09/26/18 at 03:41gwydionjhr: No, Sept 22nd.
P1450140_b-3762x2822.jpg Dallas Road - Sept 22nd101 viewsMy first go at kiteboarding pics. Shot with a Canon 100-400mm adapted to a Panasonic GX8. All manual focus.

@gwydionjhr on Instagram
2 commentsgwydionjhr09/25/18 at 12:15abetanzo: Aug 31!
chris_and_Shae.png Chris and Shae182 viewsI heard these squeals of delight from upwind.....2 commentsmore force 409/10/18 at 08:30HiyoSilver: That IS awesome Very Happy
chris_and_Shae.png Chris and Shae182 viewsI heard these squeals of delight from upwind.....2 commentsmore force 408/22/18 at 14:09winddoctor: Awesome! Laughing Thanks!
_DSC9679.jpg Darkslide176 views1 commentsdavey_k05/13/18 at 11:28KrisK: Thanks for the sweet pic Dave! Very Happy
Machu_picchu_east.jpg Machu Picchu East April 2, 2017418 viewsReece on a good one...3 commentsicurumba03/12/18 at 08:56KUS: awesome photo!!....helmet optional I guess :shock...
untitled~11.jpg 380 viewsThis photo, to the keen observer, has 3 things that indicate how windy it was today. 1. The Posse. Erik walked his 3M to the water with an entourage waiting for the slightest hint of sh$t hitting the fan. 2. Look at Erik's eyes. Kid in candy store at Christmas-type eyes. 3. The dog's hind legs are blowing up off the ground and his tail indicates 43 gusting 52 😂1 commentswinddoctor01/21/18 at 19:54juandesooka: lol. best photo caption of the year so far. 4. Mar...
Mexico_Dec__042C_2017_-_Dec__102C_2017.png 235 viewsNitinat Crew Representing in Mexico!2 commentsMartyD12/27/17 at 13:09abetanzo: Layne is mexican?
Mexico_Dec__042C_2017_-_Dec__102C_2017.png 235 viewsNitinat Crew Representing in Mexico!2 commentsMartyD12/12/17 at 23:01KUS: Surprised nice tho that femur might not like it Embarrassed
AEBE3D1A-77CF-43E3-94D2-EA036F0770FB.jpeg For Ransom:)375 viewsWhen you find a board that belongs to an epic kiter (Larry)...naturally you hold it for ransom😜😜🤗2 commentswired4adrenaline12/03/17 at 21:25Spike: Omg i just saw this!! Too funny. I almost threw up...
AEBE3D1A-77CF-43E3-94D2-EA036F0770FB.jpeg For Ransom:)375 viewsWhen you find a board that belongs to an epic kiter (Larry)...naturally you hold it for ransom😜😜🤗2 commentswired4adrenaline11/30/17 at 11:30gnarf: " gangsta gangsta"
untitled~9.jpg Mr Frang airing over the section (landed it)434 views3 commentswinddoctor10/18/17 at 21:37nanmoo: Nice!
thumbnail_DJI_0050.jpg Secret Spot304 viewsSun and waves on the westcoast.. who could ask for more. 2 commentsCTK09/11/17 at 13:56CTK: selfie pole Razz
thumbnail_DJI_0050.jpg Secret Spot304 viewsSun and waves on the westcoast.. who could ask for more. 2 commentsCTK09/08/17 at 07:02KUS: Razz drone shot or hillside? Question or just the bridg...
nitinat-43.jpg Jeremie Tronet at Windfest 08325 views1 commentsicurumba08/14/17 at 06:25thankgodiatepastafobreaky: is this J Tronet at Nitinaht?
140157DSC05894.jpg 128 viewsIV Windstorm - 04-07-171 commentssnapper30004/08/17 at 14:04gnarf: Sick!!!
Machu_picchu_east.jpg Machu Picchu East April 2, 2017418 viewsReece on a good one...3 commentsicurumba04/07/17 at 19:19redbaron: Cool
Machu_picchu_east.jpg Machu Picchu East April 2, 2017418 viewsReece on a good one...3 commentsicurumba04/03/17 at 14:07winddoctor: Reece was killing it!
141759DSC03088.jpg 2017-03-26 IV93 views1 commentssnapper30003/29/17 at 11:10winddoctor: Cool
20170306_165028.jpg 134 views1 commentsvoodmon03/06/17 at 19:11voodmon: Gorgeous Dallas Rd today, counted 15 kites at one ...
2016-12-27_15_28_44_copy.jpg Emmanuelle and Larry334 viewsDec 28, 2016 Clover Point, Victoria - Session Buddies2 commentsSnarfer01/20/17 at 06:40Sandy Beach: home for the holidays, Emmanuelle? Kiting in Victo...
2016-12-27_15_28_44_copy.jpg Emmanuelle and Larry334 viewsDec 28, 2016 Clover Point, Victoria - Session Buddies2 commentsSnarfer01/07/17 at 22:24Spike: Good Times!!!!
1-DSC_8341.JPG Marty D and G-Money199 views1 commentsicurumba10/17/16 at 11:13KUS: like the old days Razz miss those since they have ...
IMG_0695.jpg 335 views2 commentscolin10/16/16 at 20:30colin: People, location, lack of wind.
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