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P1110009.JPG Secret spot Snow crystal field491 viewsThis is the spot where I am going to be the first kitesurfer to snow kite downtown Victoria.Blow this image up to see the crystals standing up like a forest.1 commentsasscrack01/13/07 at 06:51asscrack: Even possible to kite at night on this one. Laughing
P1040011_edited.JPG nice385 viewsall alone1 commentsasscrack01/04/07 at 19:04asscrack: Now this is the west coast. Laughing
P1040022.JPG Nice381 viewsPeeling waves1 commentsasscrack01/04/07 at 19:01asscrack: Windy,oh yes it is.
P1020001.JPG Kook Beach572 viewsKook beach painted by local artist JMR3 commentsasscrack01/03/07 at 20:18downwind dave: i think i see a broken tidal wave 430 in the logs ...
P1020001.JPG Kook Beach572 viewsKook beach painted by local artist JMR3 commentsasscrack01/03/07 at 12:11UKshredder: That is a great picture ! Do you know where I coul...
P1020001.JPG Kook Beach572 viewsKook beach painted by local artist JMR3 commentsasscrack01/03/07 at 02:48ozy: wow!
Great White on South Vancouver Island.jpg 2743 viewsTrue Recent Photo Of Shark caught off South Vancouver Island
from a commercial Fisherman.
Happy Surfing""
8 commentsAC12/29/06 at 16:47KUS: Doesn't red shirt look like he's about to unleash ...
Is he going to boost.JPG TO boost , Or Not to boost972 views2 commentsAC12/28/06 at 16:13Rudi: Umm, any hints as to where this was taken?
IMG_1327.JPG Manzanita,OR845 views1 commentsGareth12/22/06 at 18:25Rudi: Beautiful shot
Summer 06069~0.JPG 2 Dog layin' it down414 views1 commentsRidelikehell12/08/06 at 23:00colin: there is a very similar shot in my gallery....look...
P8270290~0.JPG Gmac682 views1 commentsRidelikehell12/08/06 at 22:22colin: dope shot!
Great White on South Vancouver Island.jpg 2743 viewsTrue Recent Photo Of Shark caught off South Vancouver Island
from a commercial Fisherman.
Happy Surfing""
8 commentsAC11/25/06 at 08:33windsurf247: MF4 - good work Sherock Wink
Great White on South Vancouver Island.jpg 2743 viewsTrue Recent Photo Of Shark caught off South Vancouver Island
from a commercial Fisherman.
Happy Surfing""
8 commentsAC11/25/06 at 07:52kitesurferdale: JEEZZZZZ I didn't think they grew that big up here...
Great White on South Vancouver Island.jpg 2743 viewsTrue Recent Photo Of Shark caught off South Vancouver Island
from a commercial Fisherman.
Happy Surfing""
8 commentsAC11/24/06 at 22:25Kite Kook: It may look mean, but it's just a harmless 6 gill,...
Great White on South Vancouver Island.jpg 2743 viewsTrue Recent Photo Of Shark caught off South Vancouver Island
from a commercial Fisherman.
Happy Surfing""
8 commentsAC11/24/06 at 18:05KUS: It just looks like a machine, doesn't it? :shock...
Great White on South Vancouver Island.jpg 2743 viewsTrue Recent Photo Of Shark caught off South Vancouver Island
from a commercial Fisherman.
Happy Surfing""
8 commentsAC11/24/06 at 17:52more force 4: The 902 area code is the Maritimes...... Should ...
kiting 480~0.jpg Mark V sliding the lines784 views3 commentsRidelikehell09/25/06 at 20:40Tedz: Laughing
BCGrant.jpg 2274 views5 commentsTy108/30/06 at 07:28colin: SWEET!
BCGrant.jpg 2274 views5 commentsTy108/29/06 at 21:48Kite Kook: speed kills man. killer shot Smile
BCGrant.jpg 2274 views5 commentsTy108/29/06 at 20:30jimmy lewis: Great shot !
bordercross~0.JPG 847 viewsAug 12/06 Windfest 1 commentsToner08/28/06 at 10:28mortontoemike: Is this Philippe?
P1020252.JPG Windfest 2006 - "Spirit in the Sky"685 views1 commentsmortontoemike08/14/06 at 17:57asscrack: Boardercross rules Laughing
P1020253.JPG Windfest 2006 - Kiters and Windsurfers mingle at Windfest808 views1 commentsmortontoemike08/14/06 at 17:55asscrack: Great turnout,Thanks everyone,The Organizers,the v...
normal__MG_6183_Kite_BWD.jpg "Now that's what I'm talking about"!759 viewsKook givin me the lift I need.1 commentsasscrack08/02/06 at 20:10wdeon: Looks familiar Smile I made this photo yesterday. I...
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