Windfest 2014 - rounding the buoy153 viewsUnlike dingy sailing, are there rules for touching mark in Kiteboarding???3 commentswheels02/20/15 at 16:55downwind dave: i thought 'touching the mark' was a game...
Windfest 2014 - rounding the buoy153 viewsUnlike dingy sailing, are there rules for touching mark in Kiteboarding???3 commentswheels02/20/15 at 01:37Sandy Beach: buoy: just say no
AtomicChomik at Teahupoo237 viewsWith the orange helmet and dakine vest, I can only hope people think it's actually me.2 commentsjuandesooka02/19/15 at 22:35Atomic-Chomik: Ya it was a good day out there lol
AtomicChomik at Teahupoo237 viewsWith the orange helmet and dakine vest, I can only hope people think it's actually me.2 commentsjuandesooka02/19/15 at 18:33winddoctor: So relaxed in the pit. Like he's out on a mel...
223 views2 commentsNimpkish-Bill02/10/15 at 13:03KUS: c'mon, like kiting is tiring
235 views1 commentsMartyD01/25/15 at 18:32Cj: You guys are so tanned and stoked.. So jealous. Co...
juandasooka 252 viewsIV Dec 20 2014 photo by SammyGnarf2 commentsgnarf01/13/15 at 13:15eastside:
189 views1 commentsNimpkish-Bill01/13/15 at 13:06Nimpkish-Bill: hanging ten, almost. perfect side shore winds for ...
223 views2 commentsNimpkish-Bill01/13/15 at 13:05Nimpkish-Bill: Resting between sets. 6 meter and the swell was t...
Mmmmmmm coffee182 viewsFinally figured out where I can see this sticker everyday! Wahoooo I love coffee.1 commentscolin11/18/14 at 09:16JL: Good morning Johny
SP Sun. Nov 9137 views1 commentsrvanderbyl11/14/14 at 22:07KUS:
Windfest 2014 - rounding the buoy153 viewsUnlike dingy sailing, are there rules for touching mark in Kiteboarding???3 commentswheels11/12/14 at 20:17redbaron: That looks more than just 'touching the mark&...
146 viewsBiggest storm on record since 1977 coming to hit Alaska 950 millibar3 commentsAC11/08/14 at 12:08AC: I thought some of u would appreciate this screensh...
146 viewsBiggest storm on record since 1977 coming to hit Alaska 950 millibar3 commentsAC11/07/14 at 20:55rocdoc: Very much on the wrong side if your a Bering Sea c...
146 viewsBiggest storm on record since 1977 coming to hit Alaska 950 millibar3 commentsAC11/07/14 at 20:25downwind dave: dang thing is on the wrong side of the aleuts
227 viewsMy new toy10 commentsAC10/28/14 at 18:26Cj: It's the remote control periscope (F4 model) ...
227 viewsMy new toy10 commentsAC10/28/14 at 10:24KUS: that Ogopogo in the background or a chinese techno...