Go into the Light. There is peace and serenity in the Light.175 views3 commentsjuandesooka11/28/14 at 09:38KUS: Maybe another Homeland response to a run-away kite...
Go into the Light. There is peace and serenity in the Light.175 views3 commentsjuandesooka11/28/14 at 08:01JL:
Go into the Light. There is peace and serenity in the Light.175 views3 commentsjuandesooka11/27/14 at 14:38GWIND: No, that is America.
hello winter!168 views1 commentsjuandesooka11/06/14 at 22:38JL:
Sunny Fall Westerly137 viewsThis is why I have a 14.51 commentsJL10/06/14 at 17:55juandesooka: plus, all the associated swimming is great for ful...
10 knots / 14.5 FLITE / MAKO 130241 viewsFirst session with the FLITE. Satisfied with the performance & cruised upwind on the baby MAKO.3 commentsJL07/01/14 at 08:59KUS: glad not to disappoint you
10 knots / 14.5 FLITE / MAKO 130241 viewsFirst session with the FLITE. Satisfied with the performance & cruised upwind on the baby MAKO.3 commentsJL06/30/14 at 11:09JL: I was waiting for that Markus
10 knots / 14.5 FLITE / MAKO 130241 viewsFirst session with the FLITE. Satisfied with the performance & cruised upwind on the baby MAKO.3 commentsJL06/30/14 at 09:01KUS: sorry JL .....but........yawn better off do...
17M Flite205 viewsFirst demo of a O.R. Flite ... Upwind cruising in 8 knots !!! (150 MAKO)1 commentsJL05/30/14 at 19:00rocdoc: Rocdoc`s turn on the Flite tomorrow.
It's all about getting outside. Way outside !!!152 viewsLook above the tallest rock1 commentsJL05/07/14 at 08:45juandesooka: break a line? have a nice swim
Ah, spring!!188 views2 commentsmore force 403/19/14 at 20:44KUS: wow, a repeat wonder what it was like at 5...
Ah, spring!!188 views2 commentsmore force 403/19/14 at 19:15winddoctor: Look at those ramps upwind. D R O O L...
Who Knew?231 views2 commentsKUS03/18/14 at 18:44KUS: well, it wasn't like that til about 4ish ...
Who Knew?231 views2 commentsKUS03/18/14 at 15:28JL: Rocdoc & JL
First Thermal of 2014183 viewsJl & Rocdoc2 commentsJL03/11/14 at 15:40JL: You would have enjoyed a session a little further ...
First Thermal of 2014183 viewsJl & Rocdoc2 commentsJL03/11/14 at 13:59KUS: wish I could have parked there, was in the rig :ro...
Kona178 viewsJanuary outflow S.E.2 commentsJL01/21/14 at 05:14Fluffy: Nice! We'll be home soon to enjoy the view a...
Kona178 viewsJanuary outflow S.E.2 commentsJL01/20/14 at 23:19abetanzo:
16 M160 viewsRocdoc cruisin' out his front door1 commentsJL11/21/13 at 13:22JL: Just under the Seagull on the right
4163 views4 commentsbwd10/06/13 at 17:01ambientrax: Gordon's Streaming cam, nice pic
Surfing at Gordons?247 viewsNever seen it break quite like that here.3 commentsnanmoo09/30/13 at 17:22Fluffy: The seAweed stuck to the windows gives it a new lo...
Surfing at Gordons?247 viewsNever seen it break quite like that here.3 commentsnanmoo09/30/13 at 13:11KUS: can't be good for the siding love the lo...
Surfing at Gordons?247 viewsNever seen it break quite like that here.3 commentsnanmoo09/29/13 at 21:29Fluffy: We took waves over our second story tonight :shock...