356 views2 commentsObstreperous05/13/08 at 20:29more force 4: Nice to see that kiters have come up with a warnin...
Where is everybody?!290 views3 commentsJL03/31/08 at 09:26KUS: man, this seems like such a loooooong time ago :ro...
In your face Morewind573 views3 commentsbwd07/07/07 at 10:49GWIND: These boys have ants in their pants.
Oh Canada Gordens Strong And Free,262 viewsOh Canada,Gordens should be me....1 commentsasscrack07/06/07 at 20:52GWIND: Is that a spaceship over the mountains ?
In your face Morewind573 views3 commentsbwd07/06/07 at 11:07morewind: damn pirates . thought BWD was going to board...
In your face Morewind573 views3 commentsbwd07/06/07 at 09:50winddoctor: LOVE IT!
14m 'RISE' makes 8-12 knots a good time !!!262 views3 commentsJL06/28/07 at 12:08JL: Yes KUS but srcapbooking in a wetsuit wearing a ha...
14m 'RISE' makes 8-12 knots a good time !!!262 views3 commentsJL06/28/07 at 10:05Martin: and the 12m Rise in the background
14m 'RISE' makes 8-12 knots a good time !!!262 views3 commentsJL06/28/07 at 07:25KUS: at 8 knots so's scrapbooking JL
Dave cleaned the lens just in time to catch this double 'splat'.358 views3 commentsJL06/03/07 at 09:00KUS: Karma, buddy, way to try & build up credits ...
Dave cleaned the lens just in time to catch this double 'splat'.358 views3 commentsJL06/01/07 at 22:11jimmy lewis: Nope, just crashed mine while trying to do a good...
Dave cleaned the lens just in time to catch this double 'splat'.358 views3 commentsJL06/01/07 at 21:09KUS: A saw that live and wondered if you guys tangled ...
Gordon's Webcam, May 17, 2007376 viewsWindsurfing in Canada.
Can someone identify him please? Tx.3 commentsGramma Jo05/21/07 at 11:20winddoctor: That's me. You can see the wind line at the he...
Gordon's Webcam, May 17, 2007376 viewsWindsurfing in Canada.
Can someone identify him please? Tx.3 commentsGramma Jo05/21/07 at 09:11KUS: uncharacteristically lots of spray for Wdoc and hi...
Gordon's Webcam, May 17, 2007376 viewsWindsurfing in Canada.
Can someone identify him please? Tx.3 commentsGramma Jo05/21/07 at 06:34TheLaw: Looks like Winddoc.
Neah bay 1.8M/8 sec.... 6-8' outside...244 views1 commentsJL05/13/07 at 21:19more force 4: Yep, those tiny white things WAY in the distance w...