224 views2 comments~~~~~4j~~11/25/15 at 08:58JL: Looks like fun
Luke's windsurf session 157 viewsFirst jibe today!!!1 commentsrvanderbyl08/18/15 at 06:07eastside:
Big Friday189 views1 commentsrvanderbyl06/14/15 at 07:46eastside: Nice, warm and waves on the eastside, unusual too
SP light wind fun.150 viewsI never said I was fully powered ripping it up today. But for the wind speed those little 2' waves were pretty fun and easy to get on and ride. Always hoping for more but not hapening lately. Sooner or later something has gotta give with the amount of NW in the forecast well into this coming week. Not to mention this is the perfect tide to produce decent waves if the wind cranks up.2 commentsrvanderbyl06/07/15 at 11:56KC7777: nice work Ray!
SP light wind fun.150 viewsI never said I was fully powered ripping it up today. But for the wind speed those little 2' waves were pretty fun and easy to get on and ride. Always hoping for more but not hapening lately. Sooner or later something has gotta give with the amount of NW in the forecast well into this coming week. Not to mention this is the perfect tide to produce decent waves if the wind cranks up.2 commentsrvanderbyl06/06/15 at 21:19eastside:
Another Beauty SP Day284 viewsWhat's going on???? That's.. like... 5 now, way over the annual limit!3 commentsKUS06/06/15 at 19:48rvanderbyl: Might start getting a little busy if it was always...
RC Heli Photos San Pareil183 viewsPhotos taken with Align T-Rex 500 and GoPro. Photos by Tim Allix1 commentszoomy05/25/14 at 16:04KUS: This one's kinda cool seeing the surrounding ...
Kiters and Killer whales at SP today228 viewsLots of excitement on the beach as the whales were pretty close to the sailing today. 1 commentsrvanderbyl05/05/14 at 09:06JL: " MMM soft on the outside with crunchy center...
Surreal216 views2 comments~~~~~4j~~03/29/14 at 19:14KUS: yeah, waterstarts were a little fishy yesterday :r...
Surreal216 views2 comments~~~~~4j~~03/29/14 at 15:52nanmoo: maybe there is a untapped market for milty water? ...
Another Beauty SP Day284 viewsWhat's going on???? That's.. like... 5 now, way over the annual limit!3 commentsKUS01/06/14 at 15:44more force 4: Ray says its almost always like that but no-one be...
Another Beauty SP Day284 viewsWhat's going on???? That's.. like... 5 now, way over the annual limit!3 commentsKUS01/05/14 at 07:22Sandy Beach: east coast on the west coast of the island beauty....
206 views1 commentsKUS12/23/13 at 21:02KUS: I'm such an accomplished photog
232 viewsBeauty day that I missed1 comments~~~~~4j~~11/20/13 at 20:45GWIND: Ditto
241 viewstack crash?2 comments~~~~~4j~~11/20/13 at 16:42KUS: turtle collision
241 viewstack crash?2 comments~~~~~4j~~10/28/13 at 19:15winddude: mobility gets rusty very fast. lol
326 views1 commentsrvanderbyl05/30/13 at 17:16GWIND: Were any clams injured during this venture?
308 views2 comments~~~~~4j~~05/30/13 at 15:40rvanderbyl: I don't know...this looks like a pretty good ...