Go into the Light. There is peace and serenity in the Light.175 views3 commentsjuandesooka11/28/14 at 10:38KUS: Maybe another Homeland response to a run-away kite...
Go into the Light. There is peace and serenity in the Light.175 views3 commentsjuandesooka11/28/14 at 09:01JL:
Go into the Light. There is peace and serenity in the Light.175 views3 commentsjuandesooka11/27/14 at 15:38GWIND: No, that is America.
Winddoc @ Furry Creek293 viewsToesideT photo2 commentswinddoctor11/25/14 at 18:21KUS: This was impressive for reasons other than the jum...
229 views2 commentswinddoctor11/23/14 at 20:33C36: Nice mood shot!
Mmmmmmm coffee182 viewsFinally figured out where I can see this sticker everyday! Wahoooo I love coffee.1 commentscolin11/18/14 at 10:16JL: Good morning Johny