217 viewsEuro style.6 commentsnanmoo08/05/14 at 09:09KUS: hmmm, I don't own a bikini... Gotta go shopp...
217 viewsEuro style.6 commentsnanmoo08/04/14 at 21:51nanmoo: Actually their mine But you probably guessed that...
217 viewsEuro style.6 commentsnanmoo08/04/14 at 21:47KUS: you had to borrow your wife's bikini bottoms ...
Windfest 2014 Nitinat, BC Sun.July 27,2014300 viewskites jockeying for position before the start horn. 1 commentsSandy Beach07/30/14 at 14:51Sandy Beach: World class competitors from all around the globe ...
foilboarders at windfest 2014207 views1 commentsgnarf07/30/14 at 12:58JL: Great shot. Thanks
Pat Bay #4138 viewsFrom my website @ http://patbaywebcam.com/index.php1 commentspatbay2207/25/14 at 11:04eric: Hey that's me!
Stumped 2508 viewsAzat M took this and then helped to rescue the kite.4 commentsmortontoemike07/24/14 at 21:42rookieRyan: the old days eh Danger D
steph photo363 viewsDouble click for best quality1 commentswinddoctor07/23/14 at 23:09FrancescoSeacily: Love it
no wind activities,....249 viewsok,..not wind related....but you can mind kite this,...
yesterday on the west coast.2 commentsicurumba07/21/14 at 19:36snapper300: Beauty shot.
Winddoctor (big Sunday)90 views1 commentsC3607/21/14 at 19:35snapper300: Outstanding shot.
Winddoctor (big Sunday)96 views1 commentsC3607/21/14 at 19:30snapper300: Holy freakin Moly. Would I ever have loved to hav...
Winddoctor paying the price of admission179 views4 commentsC3607/21/14 at 12:02winddude: crunch!
Winddoctor paying the price of admission179 views4 commentsC3607/21/14 at 09:52downwind dave: sick goiter
Columbia Sept 11.06809 viewsMark Jackson2 commentsjohnnyacid07/20/14 at 20:55goflyakite: This was the last day that I windsurfed and it was...
Windsurf247 Abusing my wife's board!254 views2 commentsrvanderbyl07/20/14 at 13:55KUS: well, as long as he's not abusing your wife.....
KC7777 Can Jump…How high you might ask?173 viewsNot real high but it's a start! With positive reinforcement anyone can improve their sailing. After only one week of training Keith has come along quite nicely...2 commentsrvanderbyl07/19/14 at 17:01GWIND: Oh Oh wait till he hits his first ramp at Long B...
KC7777 Can Jump…How high you might ask?173 viewsNot real high but it's a start! With positive reinforcement anyone can improve their sailing. After only one week of training Keith has come along quite nicely...2 commentsrvanderbyl07/18/14 at 11:30Sandy Beach: your windsurfing skills this summer inspire me, KC...
KC7s Jibing148 viewsRemember to throw the mast towards the nose of the board after the sail flip!1 commentsrvanderbyl07/18/14 at 10:45KUS: good comment, staying central close to the mast an...
Windsurf247 Abusing my wife's board!254 views2 commentsrvanderbyl07/17/14 at 22:29windsurf247: Always been a fan of your wife's board. :lol...