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165308DSC02951-L5B15D.jpg IV Sept29-2013239 viewsJordy plowing through the tempest....1 commentssnapper30010/06/13 at 17:59ambientrax: looks pretty wild man, what knots and kite size in...
DSCF0030.JPG 142 views2 commentsvoodmon10/06/13 at 11:27KUS: there is that deadhead 20m straight ahead of ULR.....
DSCF0033.JPG 155 views1 commentsvoodmon10/04/13 at 21:37more force 4: Now that is whitewater! Nice shots better than the...
clover_point_20130929_2.jpg 189 views2 commentsBenB10/04/13 at 16:35Nimpkish-Bill: those are actually sunbeams
clover_point_20130929_3.jpg 200 views1 commentsBenB10/02/13 at 19:13thankgodiatepastafobreaky: Bill about to be busted on the water
clover_point_20130929_4.jpg 258 views1 commentsBenB10/02/13 at 16:53Nimpkish-Bill: felt like the RCMP were stalking me. Rolling Eyes
170629DSC02988-L.jpg 183 viewsIV Sept29-20131 commentssnapper30010/01/13 at 18:18KUS: awesome and love the bright lid Wink
Capture.JPG Surfing at Gordons?247 viewsNever seen it break quite like that here.3 commentsnanmoo09/30/13 at 18:22Fluffy: The seAweed stuck to the windows gives it a new lo...
165318DSC02955-Edit-L5B15D.jpg 240 at IV297 viewsSept 29-2013 westcoastcaptures.com8 commentssnapper30009/30/13 at 15:37snapper300: "furry water" yep hehe Laughing
Capture.JPG Surfing at Gordons?247 viewsNever seen it break quite like that here.3 commentsnanmoo09/30/13 at 14:11KUS: can't be good for the siding Neutral love the lo...
165318DSC02955-Edit-L5B15D.jpg 240 at IV297 viewsSept 29-2013 westcoastcaptures.com8 commentssnapper30009/30/13 at 11:56more force 4: No 'white smoke' in the pic, but you can...
165318DSC02956-Edit-L.jpg 153 viewsIV Sept29-20131 commentssnapper30009/30/13 at 11:55more force 4: Wow, explosive spray!
165318DSC02955-Edit-L5B15D.jpg 240 at IV297 viewsSept 29-2013 westcoastcaptures.com8 commentssnapper30009/30/13 at 11:47JL: Stop apologizing Rolling Eyes These shots are awesome ...
165318DSC02955-Edit-L5B15D.jpg 240 at IV297 viewsSept 29-2013 westcoastcaptures.com8 commentssnapper30009/30/13 at 11:28snapper300: Thanks guys! Sucks I didn't get there even 3...
165318DSC02955-Edit-L5B15D.jpg 240 at IV297 viewsSept 29-2013 westcoastcaptures.com8 commentssnapper30009/30/13 at 09:20Randy: Love this one! Very Happy
165318DSC02955-Edit-L5B15D.jpg 240 at IV297 viewsSept 29-2013 westcoastcaptures.com8 commentssnapper30009/29/13 at 23:14MartyD: Sick Shocked
Capture.JPG Surfing at Gordons?247 viewsNever seen it break quite like that here.3 commentsnanmoo09/29/13 at 22:29Fluffy: We took waves over our second story tonight :shock...
50kntscomox.png 50knt Comox day216 views6m Ocean Rodeo Rise @ Comox Spit1 commentsGoldenRule09/28/13 at 23:41Sandy Beach: 'Rise' above Exclamation Cool
Ian.jpg 2 Men 1 Kite252 viewsWillows Beach with Cattle Point in Background. Ian pulling major air, as usual.2 commentsSnarfer09/25/13 at 08:51JL: Nice shot Razz
photo_3_sm.jpg My Nitinat Ride (I wish) (Don't we all)187 views1 commentsObsessioned09/18/13 at 20:16more force 4: Meh - I'm holding out for an A-Star. Neat fi...
zx-P7034404.jpg 111 viewsMore from that evening at flashtestdummy.com1 commentsflashtestdummy09/18/13 at 20:12more force 4: Tried to give 5 stars iPad lurched Embarrassed
_MG_4566.jpg 225 views1 commentsChris09/18/13 at 20:10more force 4: Nice!
2013-09-16a.png Rocdoc toeside192 views1 commentsJL09/18/13 at 12:56abetanzo: Nice!!! next toe side downloop!!
Comoxcam.jpg Look !!! a Kite on a stick445 views3 commentsJL09/12/13 at 15:47Snarfer: Ya. Where the power lines are! Confused
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