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DSC_4063-001.JPG Cook St Apr10th/13138 views5 commentsTed Ardley04/11/13 at 14:10KUS: ah.... no! that sail shape is hideous....but it go...
DSC_4063-001.JPG Cook St Apr10th/13138 views5 commentsTed Ardley04/11/13 at 10:36downwind dave: can't deny it all seems to be working well en...
DSC_4041-001.JPG Clover Pt Apr 10th/13123 views1 commentsTed Ardley04/11/13 at 08:32KUS: Master What's On in familiar terrain Cool
DSC_4063-001.JPG Cook St Apr10th/13138 views5 commentsTed Ardley04/11/13 at 06:34GWIND: Gee how many battens on that sail ?
DSC_4063-001.JPG Cook St Apr10th/13138 views5 commentsTed Ardley04/10/13 at 21:44KUS: Laughing that's one of the funniest things I ha...
DSC_4063-001.JPG Cook St Apr10th/13138 views5 commentsTed Ardley04/10/13 at 20:33downwind dave: Laughing Laughing why even bother with the top half?
Cookcam_28129.jpg April 10-2013207 views1 commentssnapper30004/10/13 at 15:04snapper300: Shame I had to leave and go to work. Ah well... ...
i-zMbrXQ3-L.jpg Old Photos - Tofino April 2011 - 3156 viewsTwas a windy day.1 commentssnapper30004/09/13 at 09:18downwind dave: nice! that is an angry sea!
i-n6g9VRf-L.jpg Old Photos - Tofino April 2011 - 2152 views1 commentssnapper30004/08/13 at 21:02eastside: Cool
i-wkWdWQp-L.jpg Old Photos - Tofino April 2011 - 1167 viewsNo new stuff, so I thought I would reprocess some of my older shots into black and white.2 commentssnapper30004/08/13 at 18:53snapper300: If I remember correctly, this is RageX. Cool
i-wkWdWQp-L.jpg Old Photos - Tofino April 2011 - 1167 viewsNo new stuff, so I thought I would reprocess some of my older shots into black and white.2 commentssnapper30004/08/13 at 18:47JL: Nice. Razz
Cowcam~0.jpg Gorgeous Spring morning300 viewsLove those whisps of cloud, reminds me of a Hawaiian lava flow3 commentsKUS04/07/13 at 20:33KUS: Yes, indeed Cool .....and no, not anymore Rolling Eyes :...
Cowcam~0.jpg Gorgeous Spring morning300 viewsLove those whisps of cloud, reminds me of a Hawaiian lava flow3 commentsKUS04/07/13 at 10:13JL: Or over medicated Idea
Cowcam~0.jpg Gorgeous Spring morning300 viewsLove those whisps of cloud, reminds me of a Hawaiian lava flow3 commentsKUS04/07/13 at 09:37GWIND: Kuster, U are so romantic.
JR.jpg The legend continues237 viewsI think of my friend often. I only wish I was lucky enough to know him longer.2 commentscolin04/04/13 at 07:31Gareth: Photo of the week!
Mark_and_Dave_Christmas_Card.jpg Mark and Dave, our cover models for Sensitive Modern New-Age Man Magazine255 views5 commentswinddoctor04/03/13 at 09:39KUS: Foxglove probably not the best plant to choose for...
JR.jpg The legend continues237 viewsI think of my friend often. I only wish I was lucky enough to know him longer.2 commentscolin04/03/13 at 09:11KUS: yep, it's on my Safari to remind me Idea :...
No_Meth!_.jpg Despite having to check our meth at the door, we decided we'd camp here anyway.274 views2 commentswinddoctor04/02/13 at 22:16Mike C: Can this win photo of the week?
Piperscam-0-0950.jpg 258 viewsThis new webcam location is great...and will be even better once the zoom is fixed. Thanks all for organizing this.2 comments~~~~~4j~~04/02/13 at 21:07DavidM: Yep, was me Very Happy I have bump the zoom by 2 bumps s...
image.jpg Kiting has really hit mainstream!241 viewsI bought a chocolate milk, and found Ronald McDonald kiting on a surfboard! unhooked! and using a pulley bar it looks like!
Ronny is hardcore!
8 commentsWindePendanT04/01/13 at 07:02GWIND: Mc poo-d Rolling Eyes
grant-hangup.jpg Grant hangup2051 views4 commentsRob Creese03/31/13 at 22:41Cj: bloody foot and strap, huken like a champ
Piperscam-0-0950.jpg 258 viewsThis new webcam location is great...and will be even better once the zoom is fixed. Thanks all for organizing this.2 comments~~~~~4j~~03/31/13 at 10:55GWIND: Gotta be DavidM.
Skeena-Queen_Charlotte_A-20130330-01354.jpg Metlakatla Spit131 views2 commentsmore force 403/30/13 at 18:52more force 4: Yep, several of the kiters are environmental consu...
Skeena-Queen_Charlotte_A-20130330-01343.jpg Metlakatla Spit - Millennia Falcon delivers kiters120 viewsChris, Natou, Lise, Graham, Christian, and Tara, Kiters from Terrace, came to Rupert to check out Tugwell.1 commentsmore force 403/30/13 at 18:45more force 4: And Finn? whales and a burning barge loaded with c...
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