324 views5 commentsAC02/05/13 at 20:19voodmon: Lancelin Australia, a race i would like to compete...
324 views5 commentsAC02/05/13 at 17:16Sandy Beach: wow, now that's what I call a racetrack A...
Goose Spit650 viewsFuture site of BWD mud wrestling fund raiser2 commentsJL01/30/13 at 11:17Sandy Beach: whoot whoot, my sentiments exactly! This cam is a ...
175 views1 commentscolin01/29/13 at 10:05blackdogvan: Who where?
Goose Spit650 viewsFuture site of BWD mud wrestling fund raiser2 commentsJL01/28/13 at 18:33KUS: Thank you BWD and contributors for installing this...
Rx and Kus152 views2 commentsRandy01/25/13 at 19:59KUS: Superfun day, still feeding off that Not much ...
385 views4 commentsMartyD01/24/13 at 16:55Cj: Mmmm morphine! You'll heal up strong as new i...
425 views5 commentsMartyD01/23/13 at 14:43AC: Crab BAit , .
425 views5 commentsMartyD01/23/13 at 10:15nanmoo: who took the photo?
425 views5 commentsMartyD01/23/13 at 09:13JL: Awesome
385 views4 commentsMartyD01/22/13 at 23:02KUS: yeah, he DOES look a little like him in that pictu...
385 views4 commentsMartyD01/22/13 at 22:24Randy: Jesus Marty
220 views4 commentsabetanzo01/22/13 at 12:29abetanzo: youtube search = adrian betanzo ... should be name...
349 views5 commentsMartyD01/21/13 at 11:37KUS: oh man, glad u got in & didn't affect the...
Rx and Kus152 views2 commentsRandy01/21/13 at 10:27GWIND: Synchro sailing team beautiful
349 views5 commentsMartyD01/20/13 at 21:24MartyD: Number 3 actually The doc knew what it was even...
349 views5 commentsMartyD01/20/13 at 20:29Fluffy: Your number 2 this season for fractured femurs OUC...
349 views5 commentsMartyD01/20/13 at 20:21nanmoo: man I do not envy how the flight home is going to ...
349 views5 commentsMartyD01/20/13 at 16:32abetanzo: thats a gooder
240 views1 commentsogopogo01/12/13 at 19:26Cj: bare feet January? hard core
Vacuum Pump Set Up141 views1 commentsKayakDoc01/12/13 at 19:17Cj: What's it for? removing moisture or something...
220 views4 commentsabetanzo01/12/13 at 09:24GWIND: Wow sailing uphill like that looks difficult .
220 views4 commentsabetanzo01/12/13 at 08:04dougwick: That's me. Clear shot for helmet cam.