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DSC_7959s.jpg 67 views1 commentsT01/09/12 at 02:21snapper300: Great shot. Love the bit of color coming thru the...
Columbiacam-6-1545.jpg 313 viewsFun DAY2 commentsToesideT01/08/12 at 20:25KUS: See how everyone is sorta in a line Question Like....ev...
201201030003.jpg Jan 3, 2012 Sandpiper Beach #1201 viewsBig freight trains rolling thru right in front of my parents cabin.3 commentsKC777701/07/12 at 12:24Windsurfish: Whatya mean, that looks like a great launch. :lo...
IMG_5600.jpg BigWaveSnake185 views 2 commentsshaggy01/06/12 at 23:41KUS: Ha, what I know about that Shagger dood, I'd ...
IMG_5857.jpg 127 views 1 commentsshaggy01/06/12 at 23:40KUS: Razz and that without a quad even Exclamation think of th...
IVcam_2-0-Jan032012-162447.jpg How many windsurfers can you see?274 views4 commentsmore force 401/05/12 at 12:23SMACK: hmmmm...and your mom said it would make you go bli...
IMG_5804.jpg 159 views 2 commentsshaggy01/04/12 at 16:10Wingnut: looks a bit nicer than what we had at Cook that da...
201201030001.jpg Sandpiper Beach #3190 viewsProbably 5' - 6' faces? Really windy. Sketchy launch though.4 commentsKC777701/04/12 at 14:35KC7777: nanmoo, from my parents beach (shown here) I would...
201201030001.jpg Sandpiper Beach #3190 viewsProbably 5' - 6' faces? Really windy. Sketchy launch though.4 commentsKC777701/04/12 at 13:07JL: Thanks Kc Cool
IMG_5856.jpg 148 views 1 commentsshaggy01/04/12 at 11:48more force 4: Nice!!
IMG_5566.jpg 221 views 3 commentsshaggy01/04/12 at 01:06winddoctor: Nice shots, Lisa!
201201030001.jpg Sandpiper Beach #3190 viewsProbably 5' - 6' faces? Really windy. Sketchy launch though.4 commentsKC777701/04/12 at 01:03nanmoo: a SE is dead onshore too isn't it?
IMG_5566.jpg 221 views 3 commentsshaggy01/03/12 at 20:45bwd: Super smooth...what a day. Great photos Lisa.
IMG_5566.jpg 221 views 3 commentsshaggy01/03/12 at 20:42~~~~~4j~~: Nice. GoPro video or stills?
IMG_5600.jpg BigWaveSnake185 views 2 commentsshaggy01/03/12 at 20:34bwd: haha Laughing If I remember correctly, I was ripping...
IMG_5804.jpg 159 views 2 commentsshaggy01/03/12 at 20:28morewind: rating = 5/5 Surprised
pareilcam.jpg Scenic San Pariel292 views2 commentsbean01/03/12 at 19:40Snarfer: Very Nice
IVcam_2-0-Jan032012-162447.jpg How many windsurfers can you see?274 views4 commentsmore force 401/03/12 at 19:12GWIND: How can U see orange ? U got owl eyes ?
IVcam_2-0-Jan032012-162447.jpg How many windsurfers can you see?274 views4 commentsmore force 401/03/12 at 18:29morewind: I'll own up to the orange ezzy Confused
201201030001.jpg Sandpiper Beach #3190 viewsProbably 5' - 6' faces? Really windy. Sketchy launch though.4 commentsKC777701/03/12 at 15:25KUS: prolly more sketchy getting out that in, looks lig...
201201030003.jpg Jan 3, 2012 Sandpiper Beach #1201 viewsBig freight trains rolling thru right in front of my parents cabin.3 commentsKC777701/03/12 at 14:44more force 4: How can you stand just watching, sketchy launch no...
201201030002.jpg Jan. 3, 2012 Sandpiper Beach #2153 views1 commentsKC777701/03/12 at 14:39KC7777: These big rollers don't quite break enough he...
201201030003.jpg Jan 3, 2012 Sandpiper Beach #1201 viewsBig freight trains rolling thru right in front of my parents cabin.3 commentsKC777701/03/12 at 14:35Bobson: Dood!! You need to keep gear at your parents place...
PC306953.JPG Muir Creek Pano198 viewsQuitting time, Tiny RainX gettin sum mo'1 commentsKUS01/03/12 at 09:22C36: Shocked
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