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20111126_IV_0568.jpg 94 views1 commentsRandy12/07/11 at 22:12Sandy Beach: hardcore jelly Smile
_MG_5787.jpg BWD Movie night @ RVYC265 views2 commentsskywalker12/07/11 at 12:18C36: Cool Great to see! Very Happy I hope it looks even better ...
_MG_5787.jpg BWD Movie night @ RVYC265 views2 commentsskywalker12/06/11 at 22:53KUS: check the sail sticker, C36!! Cool
Gordon_s_Beach_Christmas_Tree.jpg Gordon's Beach Christmas Tree224 views1 commentsKayakDoc12/04/11 at 10:38KUS: Cool even has the star on top
columbiacam-Nov262011-111228.jpg 304 views2 comments~~~~~4j~~11/30/11 at 13:27~~~~~4j~~: Thought that you'd like this one. Nice wave! ...
cbeach9a.jpg 250 views3 commentsDaeSea11/28/11 at 19:50downwind dave: Nice try, the foreshortening is an illusion becaus...
cbeach9a.jpg 250 views3 commentsDaeSea11/28/11 at 16:23winddoctor: See: Foreshortened: foreshortened past participle,...
cbeach9a.jpg 250 views3 commentsDaeSea11/28/11 at 13:16more force 4: so who is snaking who Question Laughing Looks too small ...
cbeach02.jpg 213 views1 commentsDaeSea11/28/11 at 13:14more force 4: Nice colour and composition!! Shows there was some...
cbeach5.jpg 212 views1 commentsDaeSea11/28/11 at 07:48Sandy Beach: attempting to tame the wild sea
Columbiacam-4-1219.jpg RD Flag part of the action257 views2 commentsmore force 411/27/11 at 17:29GWIND: I think U were there.
columbiacam-Nov262011-111228.jpg 304 views2 comments~~~~~4j~~11/27/11 at 16:38nanmoo: hay that's me!
i-kXCjFfn-L.jpg snapper300 pic - I.V. 11-24-1164 views1 commentssnapper30011/27/11 at 16:36nanmoo: put a hat on kook! Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
20111124_Clover_0855.jpg Why the Quad helps204 viewsFrosty's Pix, Nov 24/'111 commentsKUS11/27/11 at 15:55eastside: Actually, does the guy even need a fin Question Idea
130229DSC00192-L.jpg snapper300 pic -IV- 11-24-11153 views2 commentssnapper30011/27/11 at 15:17snapper300: I was wondering about this move myself. Laughing
Columbiacam-4-1219.jpg RD Flag part of the action257 views2 commentsmore force 411/27/11 at 14:48Russian Dood: Very Happy
20111126_IV_0063.jpg 116 views2 commentsRandy11/27/11 at 12:16downwind dave: what the hell washed in there?!?
130229DSC00192-L.jpg snapper300 pic -IV- 11-24-11153 views2 commentssnapper30011/27/11 at 11:58~~~~~4j~~: extreme ballet
SistersNov262011.JPG 198 viewsConsistent high wind, November 26. :) 3 commentsmore force 411/27/11 at 11:11KUS: "Personal Foul, 15 yard penalty" Crying or Very sad
SistersNov262011.JPG 198 viewsConsistent high wind, November 26. :) 3 commentsmore force 411/27/11 at 10:50more force 4: I should have grabbed the image earlier, when it s...
i-S6sQdSR-L.jpg snapper300 pic - I.V. 11-24-1199 views1 commentssnapper30011/27/11 at 10:49KUS: uh oh Shocked don't look now, RainX, but....
130226DSC00191-L.jpg snapper300 pic -IV- 11-24-11115 views1 commentssnapper30011/27/11 at 10:48KUS: Love the turban, you can run a 520 on that sail :i...
i-MKkDVNr-L.jpg snapper300 pic - I.V. 11-24-11101 views1 commentssnapper30011/27/11 at 10:47more force 4: You need to commit more Dave Laughing
SistersNov262011.JPG 198 viewsConsistent high wind, November 26. :) 3 commentsmore force 411/27/11 at 10:46KUS: That IS awesome, figures I decided to slog locally...
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