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20110926_cook_0105.jpg 212 views2 commentsRandy09/26/11 at 17:03KUS: Sweet slash Olaf Cool
P8060036.JPG Tweezer?413 viewsPic by R Vanderbyl1 commentsrvanderbyl09/24/11 at 21:31tweezer: 2006 Ray?
1239609760_Cz5Kw-XL.jpg Long Beach, April 2-2011167 views2 commentssnapper30009/23/11 at 21:23Sandy Beach: Now, that's what I call wind surfing. So clos...
columbiacam.jpg Dumping268 viewshmm...wonder whats going on here? 4 commentsMike D09/23/11 at 21:15Sandy Beach: City and regional district folks must have read th...
1239596266_2dZ2E-XL.jpg Long Beach, April 2-2011230 views2 commentssnapper30009/23/11 at 20:41tommymaui: Love it! Just another day at the beach. The Westco...
1239609760_Cz5Kw-XL.jpg Long Beach, April 2-2011167 views2 commentssnapper30009/23/11 at 20:37tommymaui: nice speed and position, great riding
1239653734_SKfZY-L.jpg Long Beach, April 2-2011225 views3 commentssnapper30009/23/11 at 20:34tommymaui: this looks like Chesterman's? nice wave top t...
columbiacam.jpg Dumping268 viewshmm...wonder whats going on here? 4 commentsMike D09/23/11 at 18:05KUS: man they sure made a mess here....lots of dirt and...
dan_edited-1.jpg 192 viewsSailing the rivermouth3 commentsUKshredder09/22/11 at 14:42hitme: SWEET. Looks really good! WHERE IS EVERYONE! Laughing
DSCF3459.JPG 274 views4 commentskookkiller09/22/11 at 11:48KUS: nice going Cool
dwdvulcan.jpg tail slide july 06555 viewsRaymund Vanderbyl photo3 commentsdownwind dave09/19/11 at 13:48downwind dave: they still fit but check again in 5 more years. :...
P8240014_e2.jpg skippers meet - way back1356 views7 comments~ pimp hand ~09/18/11 at 12:49SMACK: That's my Uncle Alan with his arm out. His gu...
dan_edited-1.jpg 192 viewsSailing the rivermouth3 commentsUKshredder09/17/11 at 23:17Denmankiter: where is this? this is beautiful!
2009_06_22_178_edited-1.jpg Nitinat June 11/09276 viewsPhoto by Wil Magnan1 commentswindsurf24709/17/11 at 20:49tweezer: Whoa! He's got a sail and a kite. Killer comb...
dwdvulcan.jpg tail slide july 06555 viewsRaymund Vanderbyl photo3 commentsdownwind dave09/17/11 at 20:45tweezer: Are you selling those shorts?
Spam_Cookie.jpg KGB Lunch at Arlington324 viewsSome people will eat anything :)4 commentsWindsurfish09/15/11 at 10:05bwd: Razz
Spam_Cookie.jpg KGB Lunch at Arlington324 viewsSome people will eat anything :)4 commentsWindsurfish09/15/11 at 09:52Russian Dood: Smile its called meat cookie
danbacklit.jpg South Swell242 viewsThis was taken in August with perfect side shore conditions. Got the blog back up and running again - commentsUKshredder09/14/11 at 21:27KUS: Checked yer blog, great stuff thing ...
danbacklit.jpg South Swell242 viewsThis was taken in August with perfect side shore conditions. Got the blog back up and running again - commentsUKshredder09/13/11 at 10:47bwd: Nice!
P1030700.JPG Septummer at Pipers142 views1 commentsrvanderbyl09/13/11 at 10:31more force 4: Is that boat commercial? THey sure need a bigger ...
dan.jpg 132 views1 commentsUKshredder09/13/11 at 07:36KUS: Very Happy
danbacklit.jpg South Swell242 viewsThis was taken in August with perfect side shore conditions. Got the blog back up and running again - commentsUKshredder09/13/11 at 06:57downwind dave: nice work howard, thanks for posting
spinloop.jpg 170 viewsGo Pro disaster as my foot exits on another failed loop attempt1 commentsUKshredder09/13/11 at 06:54downwind dave: sweet 1-footie! next time look at the clew Laughing
dan_edited-1.jpg 192 viewsSailing the rivermouth3 commentsUKshredder09/13/11 at 06:48downwind dave: wow beautiful shot
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