160 viewsCouple o hotties checkin out my hot moves.
3 commentsshaggy08/18/11 at 14:49nanmoo: hey dude that is my mom!
109 views1 commentsshaggy08/18/11 at 14:48nanmoo: are you blowing into your own sail here to get mov...
160 viewsCouple o hotties checkin out my hot moves.
3 commentsshaggy08/18/11 at 13:31bwd: wow, over head high
Mike, Port Steve, RandyK, Starboard Steve, Fish960 views6 commentsStarboard Steve08/18/11 at 10:30Sandy Beach: Thx, JL! Both suggestions were Rob (windsurf247) s...
Mike, Port Steve, RandyK, Starboard Steve, Fish960 views6 commentsStarboard Steve08/18/11 at 09:10JL: Sandy that's a great Idea
289 views1 commentsSnarfer08/15/11 at 12:28more force 4: Ko Aloha Makamae E Ipo
122 views2 commentsDaeSea08/15/11 at 11:08Sandy Beach: Haha...clearly, I need to lean more forward and th...
132 views2 commentsDaeSea08/15/11 at 10:53Sandy Beach: personally, my wild hair gets pinned down with a h...
132 views2 commentsDaeSea08/14/11 at 14:22jellyfish: Great shot but ? where are your helmets?
158 views1 commentsDaeSea08/12/11 at 13:59windsurf247: Rod drooling over some kite chick at www.
176 views2 commentsthemorb08/11/11 at 17:58JL: It's a nice pic
122 views2 commentsDaeSea08/11/11 at 17:15KUS: why you SLASHER
179 views1 commentsthemorb08/11/11 at 13:34TheLaw: I'm outa here Mom!
156 views1 commentsthemorb08/11/11 at 10:17more force 4: I think I was in that cutblock just after it was e...
163 views2 commentsthemorb08/11/11 at 10:11themorb: No drove up past Flora Lake, Klanawa Main, etc. T...
176 views2 commentsthemorb08/11/11 at 09:36KUS: guess no hike or bike, probably not in flip flops
163 views2 commentsthemorb08/11/11 at 09:35KUS: quite the hike there, nice going or did you run a ...
my money shot off kook st254 views4 commentscguygo08/06/11 at 15:18cguygo: i should give photo cred to Robert Gudmundsen. Ra...
my money shot off kook st254 views4 commentscguygo08/05/11 at 23:16Sandy Beach: Fully enjoying the layers of nature's element...
my money shot off kook st254 views4 commentscguygo08/05/11 at 17:33JL: & from a bicycle !!!
my money shot off kook st254 views4 commentscguygo08/05/11 at 15:42KUS: wow, pretty great photo, love it Nice full ca...
MoreWind (previously "?")55 views2 commentsC3608/04/11 at 16:27C36: Thanks Kus - title updated!
MoreWind (previously "?")55 views2 commentsC3608/02/11 at 13:13KUS: morewind
155 views1 commentsogopogo08/01/11 at 11:26KUS: hey wow, that's pretty tricky or u ha...