Wait for it... JF Pix135 views2 commentsKUS07/02/11 at 09:06KUS: hmm, maybe I'll wait this one out
who's forward is this?88 views5 commentsC3606/30/11 at 19:40Wingnut: morelookback
Steak BBQ prep in the dunes136 viewsMr. Harbour Manager is a very nice man, however insistent that I should have noted one of about 7 signs against overnight camping in the last couple of days...he didn't mention beach fires :) Stay only one night!1 commentsKUS06/30/11 at 17:26eastside: Plus, cover your BC plates and pretend you don...
Dumping268 viewshmm...wonder whats going on here? 4 commentsMike D06/30/11 at 15:14Sandy Beach: beach, sand??? high tail it over the hump to PA...
Dumping268 viewshmm...wonder whats going on here? 4 commentsMike D06/30/11 at 14:06downwind dave: We are installing Hookipa sand for the winter!
Pistol Crew133 views1 commentsKUS06/29/11 at 21:35KUS: three stooges on the left prepping for their '...
Newstairs@www189 viewsNew stairs and a smoother access to the water....except for that log;)3 commentsrvanderbyl06/29/11 at 20:32rvanderbyl: From the left side of the neptune cable and beyond...
Newstairs@www189 viewsNew stairs and a smoother access to the water....except for that log;)3 commentsrvanderbyl06/29/11 at 20:22KUS: hey, pretty sure them there's native lands :...
BWD checking out the smooth faces77 views1 commentsC3606/29/11 at 15:18KUS: on his 5.3...ah, 4.7...nope, 4.2....oh hell
Keen?59 views1 commentsC3606/29/11 at 15:17KUS: yeo, go Keen go
Kus getting in a morning session at Cape Sebastian58 viewsKus (formerly referred to as "someone")1 commentsC3606/29/11 at 15:14KUS: sail gives it away a bit
Fish riding well73 views(formerly referred to as Morewind in error) 6 commentsC3606/29/11 at 13:25C36: No worries - at least I know you are looking at/en...
Fish riding well73 views(formerly referred to as Morewind in error) 6 commentsC3606/29/11 at 13:20Fish: No worries at all! Couldn't let the mocking ...
Fish preping for launch56 views(formerly referred to as Morewind in error) 2 commentsC3606/29/11 at 13:20C36: Ops - corrected now. If you guy...
Fish riding well73 views(formerly referred to as Morewind in error) 6 commentsC3606/29/11 at 13:14C36: Sorry Fish and here I thought I was doing ...
Fish riding well73 views(formerly referred to as Morewind in error) 6 commentsC3606/29/11 at 13:12Fish: Yup, C36 did an awesome job of figureing out all o...
Fish riding well73 views(formerly referred to as Morewind in error) 6 commentsC3606/29/11 at 11:37downwind dave: you have to give the poor guy a break, he just met...
Fish riding well73 views(formerly referred to as Morewind in error) 6 commentsC3606/29/11 at 09:07Fish: I don't remember Morewind borrowing my stuff?...
Fish preping for launch56 views(formerly referred to as Morewind in error) 2 commentsC3606/29/11 at 09:04Fish: Morewind launching my gear?
who's forward is this?88 views5 commentsC3606/29/11 at 09:01Fish: moretuck
who's forward is this?88 views5 commentsC3606/29/11 at 08:34C36: Does anyone know who this is - I though it was som...
who's forward is this?88 views5 commentsC3606/28/11 at 21:34downwind dave: Moreheight
who's forward is this?88 views5 commentsC3606/28/11 at 21:21winddoctor: Morerotation
mast high wave123 views3 commentsC3606/28/11 at 21:16winddoctor: great perspective