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230506_10150252021321998_704241997_9030240_6741267_n.jpg 283 views1 commentsMartyD06/26/11 at 16:38AC: Get back to work u Bum:) Exclamation
DSC_7361.jpg Cape Soldiers marching in205 views3 commentsKUS06/26/11 at 09:32Mike C: Good lord. That is some solid south!!!
20110622_CK_0253.jpg 111 views1 commentsRandy06/23/11 at 18:50yeahmon: thanks for the shot Randy,excellent board refl...
20110622_CK_0620.jpg 129 views1 commentsRandy06/23/11 at 13:37Cj: Thanks dude, stoked on the clarity of the water!
20110622_CK_0019.jpg 105 views1 commentsRandy06/22/11 at 22:16more force 4: Love that time-frozen water!!
20110622_CK_0083.jpg 109 views1 commentsRandy06/22/11 at 22:15more force 4: to Man in Black accompanyment "I keep my eyes...
IMG_2063.JPG Body skip by Law1964 views4 commentstweezer06/20/11 at 17:45Sandy Beach: appears like TheLaw requires a double double espre...
P6174557.JPG Mid Heat Wdoc scores points262 views2 commentsKUS06/20/11 at 08:32eastside: BIG
P6174563.JPG Moo & his big jugs257 views1 commentsKUS06/19/11 at 22:17xmyxlife: i've seen bigger
P6174455.JPG The Deschutes moment, cheering crew255 views2 commentsKUS06/19/11 at 09:02KUS: Luckies? ok, go find some soap, Gene Surprised what sla...
P6174455.JPG The Deschutes moment, cheering crew255 views2 commentsKUS06/18/11 at 21:43GWIND: Beutifull crowd. No wunder they're havin fun,...
P6174557.JPG Mid Heat Wdoc scores points262 views2 commentsKUS06/18/11 at 10:33~~~~~4j~~: Great height! Shocked
IMG_0339.jpg New BWD Hoody172 viewsStoked to be wearing BWD wear in TO3 commentsKite Kook06/13/11 at 10:17jellyfish: I'm sooo confused Laughing I didn't realize...
IMG_0332.jpg My new BWD T-shirt!234 views6 commentsKite Kook06/12/11 at 17:00winddoctor: Cool
IMG_0339.jpg New BWD Hoody172 viewsStoked to be wearing BWD wear in TO3 commentsKite Kook06/12/11 at 13:09Fluffy: Stylin' and profilin' you look fab! Now ...
IMG_0332.jpg My new BWD T-shirt!234 views6 commentsKite Kook06/12/11 at 11:36bwd: Looking great! You have enormous thumbs.
IMG_0332.jpg My new BWD T-shirt!234 views6 commentsKite Kook06/12/11 at 11:23Russian Dood: looking good Smile
IMG_0332.jpg My new BWD T-shirt!234 views6 commentsKite Kook06/12/11 at 11:19KUS: nah, ya need to be standing near a beach for it to...
IMG_0339.jpg New BWD Hoody172 viewsStoked to be wearing BWD wear in TO3 commentsKite Kook06/12/11 at 11:16Kite Kook: Thanks BA et al!!!! Very Happy
IMG_0332.jpg My new BWD T-shirt!234 views6 commentsKite Kook06/12/11 at 11:16Kite Kook: Thanks BA et al!!!! Very Happy
P6070263.JPG 195 views3 commentseastside06/10/11 at 14:31downwind dave: brutal! wrong guy! Laughing
P6070263.JPG 195 views3 commentseastside06/10/11 at 14:21~~~~~4j~~: I love this photo! Stoke captured in foreground an...
P6070263.JPG 195 views3 commentseastside06/10/11 at 11:33KUS: I was pretty stoked right about here, what a great...
IMG_0107.jpg Nanoose WS Launch Site175 viewsView from Railroad tracks looking SE1 commentsG-Daddy06/10/11 at 08:57KUS: but what about the snakes and alligators Shocked
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