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Oregon_Coast_Pictures_2nd_Card_013.JPG Down the Line188 views4 commentsjellyfish07/16/10 at 21:16KUS: ......if: I'd had my 3.7.... been a bit faster...
Oregon_Coast_Pictures_2nd_Card_013.JPG Down the Line188 views4 commentsjellyfish07/16/10 at 14:40jellyfish: I was paid a huge sum to NOT POST THAT ONE haha :...
P7040277_(2).JPG Kus' last day at Pistol98 views4.2 1 commentsKUS07/16/10 at 13:40UKshredder: I am soo jealous !!! Razz
iansquall.jpg Summers day115 views3 commentsUKshredder07/16/10 at 10:54TheLaw: Looks just like Nitinat...I think your Summer sail...
Oregon_Coast_Pictures_2nd_Card_013.JPG Down the Line188 views4 commentsjellyfish07/16/10 at 09:35downwind dave: or me. Very Happy i want to see the next pic, that lip ...
P1020710.JPG Rob @ www177 viewsLit, wind in the upper 30s 2 commentsrvanderbyl07/15/10 at 23:09rvanderbyl: Thanks!
P1020710.JPG Rob @ www177 viewsLit, wind in the upper 30s 2 commentsrvanderbyl07/15/10 at 20:55Cj: very cool shot Shocked
Oregon_Coast_Pictures_2nd_Card_013.JPG Down the Line188 views4 commentsjellyfish07/15/10 at 12:24more force 4: Photoshop that helmet yellow and it could be me :...
Oregon_Coast_Pictures_2nd_Card_009.JPG Mf4 Wavesailing!230 views1 commentsjellyfish07/15/10 at 12:03more force 4: OK, that was me with the 5/5! Not unbiased!
Oregon_Coast_Pictures_2nd_Card_008.JPG Mf4 having fun207 views1 commentsjellyfish07/15/10 at 12:02more force 4: Thanks again for the loan of the 3.7 Jelly! And t...
iansquall.jpg Summers day115 views3 commentsUKshredder07/15/10 at 11:31downwind dave: nasty! hey, is that dunkinguy's blade!
P7051981.JPG Last day, 3.7 @the Cape106 views1 commentsKUS07/15/10 at 10:52UKshredder: What a spot !
P7040240.JPG Boss mackin his way out of the mess130 views1 commentsKUS07/15/10 at 10:52UKshredder: Nice...really nice. I can feel the adrenalin of th...
P7040216.JPG Last day Pistol River85 views1 commentsKUS07/15/10 at 10:51UKshredder: That looks heavy !
P1020729_2.JPG What to do when it's too windy to sail!312 views2 commentsrvanderbyl07/15/10 at 08:59winddoctor: It would be cool to have a log boom just upwind ne...
IMG_7791Halleyfriend.jpg 298 views2 commentsogopogo07/14/10 at 22:02thankgodiatepastafobreaky: lol
P7040212.JPG Blam, take that128 viewsThe "Boss".... Man can that guy wavesail!1 commentsKUS07/14/10 at 21:41more force 4: He was inspirational! I think this was his lesson ...
P1020721_2.JPG Rod launching @ www in 30 to 40 knots386 views6 commentsrvanderbyl07/14/10 at 20:21KUS: it was actually....the best rollers to be had were...
P1020721_2.JPG Rod launching @ www in 30 to 40 knots386 views6 commentsrvanderbyl07/14/10 at 19:45winddoctor: Wow, looks flat for 30-40!
P7050057.JPG mtm rippin Nitinat on 6.0280 views4 commentsKC777707/14/10 at 11:19KC7777: OR your nose is red from all the wine/beer consump...
P1030843.JPG Nit Nat bear379 viewsbear hanging around the campground2 commentssherry07/13/10 at 22:02Sandy Beach: dairy bear Razz
P1030843.JPG Nit Nat bear379 viewsbear hanging around the campground2 commentssherry07/13/10 at 16:28more force 4: I believe cheeze is the favoured flavour Exclamation
DSC03151.JPG 411 views11 commentstempy07/13/10 at 08:20downwind dave: this particular move is the 'spazz'; it st...
IMG_5212fullsail.jpg 134 views1 commentsogopogo07/12/10 at 22:54more force 4: Nice schooner! Is this the one from Pt Townsend?
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